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New to thes emotions (shorter version) lol

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This is a much shorter version then the original http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t267731/

If anyone wants to read it to get more info please help your self.


The nutshell:


I am a closed individual who started a new job, met a girl that I didnt really care for physically or mentally. We started talking and she would always come to my desk on every break and we would eat lunch nearly every day together above and beyond emails all day. Rumors started flying around between two men that were interested in her and they did not like the amount of time we were spending so they started talking alot of crap to me about this girl. I didnt care as I thought nothing of her, more like a friendly flirting thing. We started getting closer after a few more weeks and I started to develop feelings but again, I am not use to these feelings at all. I am 30 and the last time I had these feelings were many many years ago.


Info on her:


I am going through a divorce and am almost complete, she has been going out with a guy about 18 years older, they have broken up several times already, but she has always shown an interest towards me all the time. She is also a single mother and she is 23, he is not the father. She was raised without a dad, he was in jail.


The story:


The two men get to me and me being afraid of getting hurt told her that I this closeness and opening up we talked about yestarday, I was drunk and didnt mean a word (I wasnt) and take it all back. She was so hurt by this, I thought I was gonna get a different reaction like "whatever" but she actually felt something.


We do not talk for several months, I tried apologizing, the manager intervened and made her that I do not talk to her at work anymore.


Fast forward 3 months - My close friend makes sure we both start talking again, we are both thrilled and talk on the phone for hours one night. We texted every day for an entire month, she nearly always initiated. She said she loves me, I am special to her, she can detach quickly from anyone and couldnt detach from me. My best friend said that since we started talking she is telling him her current BF is getting dumber and dumber. I talk about going out and she is excited. She breaks up with her man and tells me about it in a text. I leave it for over the weekend and on Monday she tells me how emotionally exhausted she is and that breaking up is hard to do. I tell her I am here for her. Later that night I talk to her about what we are doing on friday and she responded with

"I just dont know if I can do this yet" and "Right now I just dont wanna deal with it or anything". I tell her its ok and we will go when we are both ready. It has been 3 weeks and no contact from her ever since!


I only get eye contact at work and stares when she thinks I am not looking.


What do I do or what didnt I do?

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