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Cannot resist Ex! Ugh!!!

Ann Bradford

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Ann Bradford

There is a lot of details to this situation, however, I was just lookin for some outside insight on my problemo! My ex and I have been hooking up all summer. We broke up 2 years ago . We were totally and utterly in love. We were each others first loves and all of that. We stopped talking after breaking up for about a year. Now this summer..we have been hanging out..usually in a large group of people. Then we end up hooking up. Although, when we do..it almost seems like he is just in it for the hookup. Im not saying Im not either..however..I cant help but have some feelings for him. Do you think its possible that he could have zero feelings for me, yet still continue to hook up with me? Even after being in love with me at one point? I am not necessarily looking to get back togehter with him..however, I would like to know if he has the slightest of feelings for me. When we are together he is 100% joking around and kidding. We are never serious and have not once discussed what we have been doing and what it all means..if anything. I kinda want to see how he feels about me, however, I don't want to scare him off by dragging out all this discussion. Also, when we are all out..he seems to go out of his way to act "cool." Like if we are all at a bar..he talks to any girl. Almost like he wants to get a reaction out of me. Even the other night he was like.."oh..you should hook up with Bill," this random guy at the same bar we were all at. When, in fact, he knows very well that I would have zero interest in the kid. Is it possible that he is trying to put up a front to conceal something? Or am I just being an overanalyzing freak? Is it worth bringing up to him? What can I say to him without scaring him away? I'm not looking to get back together with this kid..I guess I would just really like to know if he has any feelings for me or is this just a plain ol' booty call? I hope not! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch! -a very confused chica =P

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Go with your feelings. It's nothing more than a booty call at this point. You would definitely know if he wanted more of a relationship.


Since you are not looking for anything with him, just enjoy and know where you stand. No, it's not worth bringing up to him...until you get tired of it. As long as you are benefiting in some way, enjoy. But if for a second you are looking for more, then have the discussion.


Sounds like you are going away from these hook-ups with a sort of empty feeling. That's never a good thing.

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