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Did I scare him off? :-/

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This guy and I decided to hang out one night and we went to dinner (which he paid for) and then we went to my house to chill for a bit. He was kinda quiet at times because he did mention he was shy around new people especially girls. We hugged @ the end of the night and made plans to hang again. Well yesterday we went to the movies (which he paid for) and we seemed to have a good time. He walked me to my car and we talked for a few and then hugged each other for a bit. Then we were both silent and kinda fidgety and he said smiling kinda "this is one of those awkward moments where u don't know whether to stay or to go." I took it as he didn't know if I liked him or not. So I hugged him after that and kissed him on the cheek. Then he got quiet as if he was in thought. So he kinda stood there and I started walking to my car and said sorry about that and he was like o no it's fine. He started walking really slowly to his car and he said be really careful I'll text u when I get home. He never did though. Does he like me or did I scare him off?

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Since it's a new relationship and he is rather shy, he may be unsure of his feelings or what he wants or just nervous because he likes you too. It's still pretty early to tell what will come from a relationship that early into it. But I highly doubt you scared him off with a kiss on the cheek. If you did, then you don't really want to be with a guy who scares that easy!

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Well I texted him and Asked if he made it home ok with all the rain and it's been like 7 hours and no reply even though he has been commenting 2 people on facebook. I also saw last night where someone said it was their worst day ever and he replied "yepp" like it was his also :-/

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I know it's hard because you like the guy but give him some space and try not to worry over him! Give it until mid-week or so and send him a generic text like "Hey, how are you?" If he still doesn't text back, then he really wasn't worth your time and move on! Just try not to stress and worry about it because he will be able to pick up on that and it will only drive you crazy in the end anyways!

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Oh and as far as the facebook thing.. Don't read too much into anything he puts on there. It could be about you, it could be about someone/something else! It's still really early in your relationship, so you don't know everything that is/isn't going on in his life yet! It could have something to do with something totally unrelated to you or your date! Trust me, obsessing over a guy on facebook only screws with your head!! Avoid it at all cost! ;)

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Thanks I will Avoid anything on there. Just really hope I didn't do anything wrong. I'm gonna wait until like Thursday and if I don't get a message then I get the hint I guess :-/. I'm hoping it's not some miscommunication with our


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So guess who made a big deal over nothing? Lol that's right me... His phone was dead.... He texted me a couple minutes ago. All this worrying for nothing. Thanks 4 ur help :-)

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