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leaving a relationship

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I am at times very happy with my spouse wile other time i am not happy enough to want tostay with him, and my heart really hurts to think of leaving and my heart really hurts to think of staying so what can i do cuz either way i do not feel that i can win.

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You need to sit down and figure out what you want to do. You are confused and if you make a hasty decision you may regret it. If your not happy with him then you need to break up with him. Your heart may still love him but your mind wants to move on. In this case I would go for what your mind is telling you. Sometimes your heart may just hurt you.

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How long have you guys been seeing each other? Is there any reason why you are not really in love with him anymore????

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Originally posted by agnf666

How long have you guys been seeing each other? Is there any reason why you are not really in love with him anymore????


we were together for about a year before we moved in together so total about three years now. i think i still love himbut am just annoyed with everything about him, well most things but not all things, somethings i just my head away from him and ignore him like when he plays his air guitar in the car, i can turn and look out the window and ignore him that way, but then i feel so guilty! i know it is me but i just don't know or understand what happened somewhere along the way.

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Your interest have changed. The things that you use to like about him, seem to be annoying. That can happen with everyone. I think you just need to move on, even though it will be hard it maybe for the best. Considering he annoys you that much. Guys are annoying, for instance my boyfriend hasn't called me in a week. They don't think that things like that can piss us off or annoy us. If youstill lovew him then you should just stay, if he isn't too annoying. If there is no love there any more, just annoyance I would total break up.

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If you're married and want to try salvaging things, try http://www.marriagebuilders.com.


If you don't want to try salvaging things, then split up.


Just be aware that whoever you end up with, they will have some irritating habits that will loom larger over time. I guess that's what "serial monogamy" is for.

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