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What makes a strong relationship? What is love? Comments please....


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communication and sense of humour.

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honesty, devotion, good sense of humor, and good communication.


what makes a strong relationship is usually based on a strong and solid friendship.

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someone who compromises, truly loves the other person,

those who care to make it work and better

someone who has patience where the other one doesnt

one who doesnt get mad when the other one does.


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falling in love with somebody is completely different than loving somebody completely.


falling in love is like how you feel when you first got a crush on somebody: you get butterflies on your stomach whenever you see that person; you can't wait to see him/her; can't wait to hear the voice; you always want to be w/ that person; just the thought of that person makes you giddy.


loving somebody completely requires time, effort, and maturity. the other person's happiness matters greatly to you.

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End of my rope

"Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life." Smiley Blanton

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devotion, compassion, understanding, honesty, patience, plus the above and loving someone for who they are, not for what you want them to be

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A friendship based on affection, humor, tolerance, a deep sexual attraction, compassion, and similar interests and attitudes towards life. A best friend that you respect who reciprocates of their own free will, who does not seek you out for selfish or parisitic motives, but to be mutually rewarded with each other's company. Neither of you gets bored over time, and distance does not lessen your feelings for eachother.

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Love is so confusing to me.........I will be in a relationship and think I am soooooooo in love...........then after it is over and time has passed, I will think to myself......."was it really love (real love) or just the excitement of a new relationship." A few days ago I thought I was more in love with my boyfriend than I have ever been in my whole entire life.......now that we have broken up........it is like he is a stranger to me.......wierd! that fast!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! I don't even feel like I even know him........

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I do not know what love is, nor do i know what to expect from it...


How do I know what i have is a sure thing?


I am in a weird situation with a woman now... She doesn't want anything serious because she just got out of a serious relationship... and we started getting serious.. I want to be serious with her, and I am happy with hanging out with her...


We get into arguements about this one given topic- but we always go in circles, we talk things over and it seems to go abck to where it was..



We are very close, and work through our problems... she is my best friend even after 5 months of knowing her... and she says she is closer with me then she was with her ex bf- and see's somehting long term with her and it scares her...


I think there is passion on my side- cuz when we got into a fight we barely spoke during the week.. and i felt a fire that i never felt before.... like i lost something great...


so how do you know when you got love? is what i got love? I do not know and trying to figure out if i got the best thing right now and keep our friends/lover state but freedom to see other people or should i go b/c nothing is going to go passed what we have now - in anytime right now that i can see...

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I would say that if you give her time and the space that she needs that she can then realize whether she wants to be with you or not.

It is something I would say would be for your benefit anyways. If she doesn't then your better off without someone who doesn't want to commit to a relationship with you yet alone a marriage mate.


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You know when you've got love. You feel it, you just know it.


From my experience, "I don't know" and "I'm not sure" always ment NO(to whatever the question is, love, serious relationship etc).


Count your losses and move on. The longer you linger the more you'll get involved and get hurt.


I mean if you want to stay with someone who "thinks you're great, but just isn't sure", great, but you're missing the chance to meet someone who might actually want you, might really want to make it work with you,might just be sure you're THE GUY for her! Surely you see the difference

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I know i feel it, she is type of girl i would do anything for, and she knows i would... i feel there is love- and even after we seem like its over we go back and fix things... is that good? fights and making up? is that good in a relationship if you can work things out? over the same arguemnt about the seriousness of a relationship?



I love this girl, i tried leaving but i can't she is my best friend and she is my lover .. i guess you can say..

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People have fights all the time. It can be good sign, it means they communicate more. And you did say that you'd do anything for her, so it all comes back to one thing, in my opinion: who commited is she to this relationship?


Think about how and when she compromized for the sake of your relationship, because it's only normal to get tired of fighting all the battles alone.


And yes, it is so much harder to move on when she is also your best friend. I've been there, kept postponing to make a decision, to admit I need to make one... I've got no advice on how to help you do that except for telling you that you need to break the vicious cercle. I so know the"I can fix that, it's all my fault, (s)he only needs space, (s)he tired,(s)he didn't mean that".


Guess what, my ex did what it was best for him... sounds familliar?

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That is tough to say, is she just as commited to this relationship - i ask her for space she says she doesnt want that.. and she doesn't want to loose me as a friend and so forth - and i told her i want things to go back like they use to and she said it could... and we settled to work at it again..


To compromise- i guess she does it...


she likes me around and was willing to put up with this bull**** ...

but how long can it go? you know?

Summer is coming around - and hopefully that break will show how much we like each other.. on both sides...



and hopefully that will be the best thign!

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