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I have a girlfriend now for 7 months and we are living together. But now she is seeing another guy and is starting to like him. She promised me that she will always love me and stay with me forever. I don't know if this is true. Can anybody help me on what to do?

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Yeah, first explain how and why you would continue to see her and much less live with her after she has told you she is seeing another guy.

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Wow...a new generation. Your girlfriend is living with you and seeing another guy. Is this a new trend in our culture or has this been around a while???


I'm sort of old fashioned, I suppose. If I'm living with my girlfriend and I learn she is seeing another guy, I give her 48 hours to pack and move out. Of course, if it's her place, I move out in 30 minutes.


Her promise to always love with you and stay with you forever is totally worthless if part of the deal is that she can be with other people as well.


This girl is a flake of the worst kind. If you tolerate what she is doing and keep her around, she will consider you the fool of the year. She is TRYING to send you a message by going out with this other guy. You better find out what the message is real quick.

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