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he's says i'm a freak in bed

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recently after having sex with my guy, he called me a freak. now, i do not know what to think of this. i asked him why he called me that and he said it's cuz i was so loud in bed. is this term generally affectionate in a situation like this, or an insult.. curious and wondering.



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He considers THAT to be freaky? Yowzas.


Well, I don't really think he was insulting you. Not in that context. But...he hasn't experienced freakiness yet if that's what he thinks is freaky.

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If he thinks your a freak for being a little vocal, next time tie him up, spank him with rubber chickens, and have lesbian midgets clamp his nipples to a car battery.


I think he'll change his mind on what constitutes as "freaky". :p

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Originally posted by smoothsailing

is this term generally affectionate in a situation like this, or an insult..



I guess depends on if he likes 'Freaks' or not....LOL!


I WOULD discuss this with him to make sure I wasn't doing anything which was turning him off and to find a compromise.


Chances are....he meant it jokingly.

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Originally posted by dolphinsunshyn

I don't think so....Is he the diaper guy?


Now THAT is freaky! LOL


No, as I am sure you will read more, hes the one who does the dick-lay in the open turkey position.

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I don't think so....Is he the diaper guy?




No, he's not (or at least I don't think so). Dave1234 is just a man in need. Check out some of Dave's Threads. :)

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Yeah, the diaper guy IS freaky. I mean really freaky, not just a wannabe.


Even though I have my freaky side, I can act really straight and still have fun. And you?

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Originally posted by Darkangelism

you probably dont want to know.


Enlighten me! LOL

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Being loud in bed is definitely not freaky, unless you are ridiculously loud or saying extremely odd things.


Now, if you just met the guy and you were bragging about how you are extremely loud in bed, that might be a sign of someone who is a wee bit freaky. I have had women bragging about how flexible they are, or how loud they are, or how much they love to perform certain acts, or get into certain positions, upon meeting me or when we are first getting intimate.


In fact, I've experienced a lot of freaky things that I'd rather not fully go into. Being locked in rooms, or cars, or being pushed into walls, or over furniture, or talked to in a baby voice...


You're not freaky. And freaky isn't always a good thing.

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Dave, I just don't get the whole Diaper thing. I dont think that is Freaky I think that is like ...well it's not what I think of as Norm or Freaky. I think its very weird. But anyways, I have extras here if you want any. What size are you?


I think being a freak in bed is absolutely great! You ever her taht song that says "I want a lady on the street but a freak in the bed" That is probably every straight guys moto.


Take it as a complement chic and keep up the good work.

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Originally posted by DebraLee

"I want a lady on the street but a freak in the bed" That is probably every straight guys moto.


Damn straight it is.


Or....at least it's mine.

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