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slevin's last update


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Here it is- Sh*tty end to a sh*tty run. Social worker turned in his report and I was crucified. According to the report I am a danger to my daughter and my ex. I have an explosive temper based off the fact that I punched a wall after being told that I was a pathetic parent and called every derogatory name you could think of by my at the time wife for running to my son who has C.P. after severly bruising his ribs after falling in the shower. And spending the day with her spawn receiving the same disrespcet from them. No one was in the room, wasn't aimed at anyone just fed up from dealing with her and her's. And blowing up on her porch when she refused to come to the door at a drop off. I blew up because she was having her abusive drunk ex husband watch my daughter and I would not leave her not knowing who she was being left with.

social worker talked to her kids about how abusive I was, completely ignoring the court's findings that her kids were making everything up so they could go live with their dad (came out he was most likely sexually abusing at least one of them, but they would prefer him to her). Meanwhile he refused to talk to my son or his mother to discuss the hell her and her kids put him through.

Claiming I want to get back with her despite numerous emails and texts from her begging me to come back to her. And despite the fact that she ran back to her abusive drunk ex, booted him out when the courts learned about it. Then pulled her kids out of school and moved all of them to the ghetto (look up peetz colorado you'll see what I mean) to be around her next victim/boyfriend. But the spin he put on it is I haven't moved on because I'm not dating anyone (not exactly my first choice either) and I am going back to school for my second degree, this time for nursing, so untill I pay off my debt and get this resolved I moved back in with my folks. Which makes me unstable?

Bottom line I get to see my daughter four days per month and have no say in any decisions regarding her.


So for Lent I guess I am giving up all hope

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