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Why don't people act consistently?

jean-luc sisko

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jean-luc sisko

As an example, if it is seen as true that people think differently, then why do persons take the mickey out of hippies and Goths?:rolleyes:

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Because people are hypocrites. They all want us to conform, all the while feeling that they don't want us to, so that they can laugh at us.


It's enough to give anybody social anxiety.

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Oh, this is a multi-faceted question!


Basically, I'd say it is because deep down we all want to be different - however, many people don't have the courage to do it and so they blend in with the sheeple and take the mickey out of those who actually have the courage to be different.

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Pardon as I grasp the statement "take the mickey out of goth and hippies"

What does that mean ? I have a hard time comprehending lingo that is not spoken in my area....

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Taking the mickey is British slang. It originates from Cockey rhyming slang (Taking the Mickey Bliss = Taking the p1ss) but is well known throughout the country.


Basically, it means poking fun at.

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Thanks Green eyes for helping in my comprehending the statement. Still though, not quite sure I am following- Taking the fun out of Goths and HIppies?? THat is an odd statement....WHat fun IS there in poking fun....unless its meant in a charming delightful way....Not sure I am getting this. Personally I think even a goth or hippie is following a "group" ...a set way of appearing and behaving....so its no different then the rest of the cultures, ...we are each unique and still have commonalities when you boil it down....acceptance being one of them....

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