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Your Song On TV

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Hello to everyone on the love shack


I was interested in finding your site. And before I get caught up in writing about my own rubbish love life, I wonder if any of you would be interested in the following.




We at Sky Television (UK), are currently putting together a series of shows called, “Our Tune,” hosted by DJ Simon Bates.


If you have a special story to share of some past experience, be it triumph over tragedy, succeeding over adversity or just a story that makes you sad or happy, we want to hear it.


Since the show is called “Our Tune,” its important that you have a song that you draw inspiration from, or just reminds you of past times, be them good or bad.


You may remain anonymous.


Drop us a line with your story and song, (please include a daytime telephone number if you can ) and we’ll get back to you.


Contact us on:


<e-mail address removed>,


<address removed>.

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