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Interested in a neighbour


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I 'm 22 years old and I have recently noticed a neighbour who lives opposite my house. I am interested to get to know her but the problem is that I have never uttered a word or hello to her before. How should I approach her?


I could get my mom to introduce us via her mum but I'm not sure if that is such a good idea. Also, is it a bad idea to go out with a neighbour, in case things dont work out, I mean wouldnt things get ackward?


I'm going back to college in a month's time so time is running out, but I cant get her out of my mind!

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This is so easy, it's insane. All you gotta do is go over there with the guise of introducing yourself to the new neighbor. Go over there as a nice guy, ask her to coffee, get to know her, ask her what she does on the weekends, etc, and go from there. No, it's not necessarily awkward to date a neighbor, but that's something that you'll have to determine for yourself. Now don't waste another day. Go over there today. Don't call-GO OVER THERE. This one is EASY! They don't get much easier than this one. If you go over and invite her to coffee, and she doesn't want to go, or you get bad vibes on the initial encounter, then you were just a nice outgoing guy. If you don't go for it, man, you lost out. If you do go for it, and it doesn't happen, you still win. Good luck!

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Hey, go for it. I think you should say hello to her when you see her outside and walk over and introduce yourself. Get into a conversation. By doing that, you'll find out if she has a boyfriend, what her interests are, etc.


There isn't much time...do it today!!! You have absolutely nothing to lose.


As far as things not working out, you have already said you are leaving in a month. What could be awkward if you aren't even home. And this should not be a concern for mature people, who are able to end a relationship on very friendly terms.

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Thanks for the replies.


I forgot to mention that I have been living in this house since I was 10 and she was here before that! Wouldnt I look like a weirdo if I suddenly go up to her and ask her for coffee, having never even acknowledged her before?


Also instead of coffe I was thinking about asking her out for tennis :) (yes she plays)

I 'm 22 years old and I have recently noticed a neighbour who lives opposite my house. I am interested to get to know her but the problem is that I have never uttered a word or hello to her before. How should I approach her? I could get my mom to introduce us via her mum but I'm not sure if that is such a good idea. Also, is it a bad idea to go out with a neighbour, in case things dont work out, I mean wouldnt things get ackward? I'm going back to college in a month's time so time is running out, but I cant get her out of my mind!
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Yes, it is weird, really weird. But something great can be right in front of us for a very long time...and then one day we finally realize it.


It's never too late to say hello. Just walk over and say, "I am the worlds biggest procrastinator and I know you were living here before me...but after many years I thought I ought to introduce myself and say hello."


Then ask her if she'd like to play tennis with you.

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