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old friends

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So I have known this girl since about grade 5. We are now both 22. We became very close friends around high school, I was kind of the guy that she went to for a lot of advice and knew that she could trust not to go tell everyone. Way back at this point we were very different in terms of our life style (she was into the partying/drinking/smoking pot, i was not at all), but our core personalities have always been really similar. We actually ended up going to prom together as 'friends', I found out years later that she actually liked me at this point... turns out I am really good at reading signals when I am not involved and completely oblivious otherwise :(.


We have both been in long-term serious relationships (hers went a little further than mine in that she had a short time being engaged before deciding to call things off). Mine ended 2 years ago, and hers 1 year (though at this point she is still dealing with some fallout from that, which i have been helping her deal with). So anyways, the last few weeks we have actually been hanging out quite a bit. We had a really fun night like 2 days ago where we went out for dinner/movie (which i payed for both) and then just chilled at my house played some music and jammed (we are both good singers and used to play all the time), stayed up until like 5 am :o. So it was a really good time. And the next day she texted me to hang out again and we did, so been good times lately.


I just have NO idea if she is interested me in me. Obviously things like letting me pay for dinner/movie and wanting to hang out a bunch seem indicative of this. Some things... for example -> Going to watch some tv at my house, we have two couches beside each other and she decides to sit on the other one rather than beside me, she was still quite close to me but still, just this kind of body language just seems to suggests non-interest to me. But I am notorious for over-analyzing tiny details and am horrible at reading signals and deciphering what is actually intended to be a signal when they are directed at me.


I feel like I am either making significant progress OR getting hardcore friend zoned. We have always been good friends and we have liked each other before, I think just never at the same time. But I feel like I am falling for her pretty hard this time and I'm not sure how to progress. We both still have a little bit of old relationship baggage so I'm not trying to do anything fast but I don't want to completely ignore my feelings if she is interested either =/.

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Ask her. Just tell her you were thinking of when you went to prom together and how she liked you but you were clueless...ask her if she thinks there's a chance she'll ever like you again. Tell her you thought about it and, while things were different back then you kinda liked her too, so the thought crossed your mind now that you're both older/wiser/more mature that it could happen again.

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