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feeling paranoid about relationship with my mother's family


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my mother's side of the family is huge. she has many siblings, most of whom live 600 miles away from us. i really never got close to any of my aunts and uncles...there were too many!!


however, my aunt, her husband and three young children live close by. i have always been friendly and available for babysitting. i have tried to be a good family member. i have attended most family gatherings with her and her family. however, as i've gotten older and the children have become teenagers, i no longer babysit for them.


what is really bothering me is that i no longer get invited to birthday parties or small family gatherings, even though i live close by. i only get invited to christmas and easter...the big events. however, my mother is over their house constantly.


so, i'm feeling paranoid about why my aunt no longer invites me over...i can't think of any reason why she would exclude me. i also feel paranoid about what is being said about me in the rest of the family...what my aunt might be saying about me.


i wrote an email inviting her out for a shopping trip. i might try one or two more times, but that is it. i will have to just let go of the relationship, even though it hurts so much.

Edited by nicedream
too many personal details
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Maybe it is time to change the dynamics? Previously you would be invited over, how about just stopping by sometime. You are not just a babysitter, you are family.


This is obviously bothering you.


Go and see them and tell them that you have missed them.


When things play on your mind, it's good to find a resolution rather than just keeping it in your head. Go ahead. It's not like they are going to say, 'what do you want?', is it?


Take care,

Eve x

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