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Are we just FWB? Or dating?

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So I think me and this guys are dating, but I'm not sure. I've worked with this guy for a year and a half and we have been hanging out since August. In the beginning of Feb we went out to dinner for the first time. Two days later we slept together. Not something I normally do, but for some reason I just decided to do it. I made sure he knew that we would only sleep with each other and only talk to each other as well before I spent the night.


About a week and a half later we slept together again. We talked about a relationship. I said I was ready for one and he said he wasn't because he just started school and was focusing on his sobriety. So I thought that would be the end of that. Ever since he has been texting me everyday and we hangout every day (either to study or go out to eat where he usually insists on paying). He has introduced me to his brother and we've all gone to dinner together. He loves to bring me his moms food and we share lunch at work. He touches me a lot and we still sleep together, but only occasionally (about once a week). Although he only kisses me during and after sex. He initiates contact with me 90% of the time and will usually be the one to make plans and invite me places. I feel as though we are dating, but he likes to mention how great it is to be single. I get confused about how a guy can spend so much time and energy on me, but still consider himself single? I understand we are not bf/gf yet (if ever) but this does sound like dating right? He even mentioned having me over for dinner and going out to dinner with my mom. Sometimes he talks about his future as if I don't exist and other times he'll ask if I would want to live in another state (he might move somewhere else after he graduates) or says WE should move to Cali. What is up with this guy? So confused! I would love a relationship with him, but hate feeling so unsure about what will eventually happen.

Edited by LonerGirl
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Hes funny... lmao... im funnier. listen give him another month i think hes testing the waters... if he doesnt propose a relationship... tell him... i hope u dont mind that since were technically not together.. that i see other people... if he asks u who did u have in mind... some hot guy that asked u out but u just wanted to make sure that he was ok with it. :)

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