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Things are going so well that it is just incredible. i never thought that I would fall so hard so fast for someone. This brings me to my question. I know that there is a "honeymoon" period in every relationship. I feel that this one is going to be here for quite a while. I am reveling in it. I just wonder though when it does end, how can I handle it. I have always been the one who sees everything coming in every relationship. I just have this ability to percieve. I have lost that ability. Right now, I can't see 10 feet in front of me. Am I worrying about this too much, and if not, how do I prepare for the honeymoon being over to make that transition smoother?

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Hey Brother Man...I hear Ya! Read my post Below, It should answer your question. Basically, ENJOY IT NOW, without expectations. Hope for the future is wonderful, but hope is very very different from expectations. If it ever does end, experience the joy in your life at that moment, and it's okay to have feelings of grief. Experience life and love to the fullest. Be a true romantic!

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