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my friend wont have sex with me?

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ok 3 years ago, i met this beautiful spanish girl whos dad is from the states while i was going to school in mexico when i was 16. i always liked her from the start, but we became best friends during the year that i was staying there, and spent literally every minute together that we could. after a while i couldnt take it anymore and i told her how i felt. she said that she didnt want anything more than to just be friends. i was crushed and i swore i would never make the same mistake ever again, and i did everything i could to bury the feelings i had for her so that we could stay friends. about a month later though, she told me she had a boyfriend. not too much later, i decided to leave and head back to the states.


since then alot has changed. at least now im not clueless about girls, and i guess you could say ive stepped up my game a bit haha. but nevertheless, when i came back to mexico 3 years later and met up with her at the mall, i had no intentions of having anything more than a nice talk/walk, catching up on what we have missed. especially since she is still in a relationship with the same guy she started dating when i left... but she ****ing pushed me up against a wall and started making out with me! so i went along with it and now we are in some type of open relationship. so i guess the deal here is that her boyfriend or whatever he is, is seeing other girls, so she is allowed to see other guys too. i guess they basically want to get married someday, but for now this is how it is. im actually chill with that, because i love her to death, i really do, in a friend/lover kind of way, but i could never marry her because... well idk, she is like the girl of my dreams, gorgeous, shares almost all the same views as me, and just like a perfect match, but i just dont feel like shes the one, and plus im young and alot will change by the time im 30. so im ok with just enjoying my time with her while im here, then going back to the states/college and so on in a couple months.


so what is the problem? well transitioning from best friends to something more in an instant was kinda weird. treating her like my girlfriend and not my friend didnt come too naturally, i kinda had to force myself to do it, but i did have the feelings there, i just had to bring them to the surface again. now everything is groovy, we see each other at least a few times a week, and we have an amazing time every time we are together, but even after 2 months, she still wont have sex with me. we just do foreplay for like an hour and get really into it, but she wont let me take her pants off or take her braw off... its like she is trying to get me off without taking our clothes off! and another weird thing is that she had to fix her braw, so she told me to turn around, that got me kinda confused.


now i should note that she has only been with 1 other guy before, and thats her boyfriend. she is pretty shy, and only will do stuff with me when we are in total privacy. what do you think is going on? is she afraid of what i will think of her body or something? do i need to just give it more time? or should i start looking for other girls?

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OK. if u havent tried to get her all worked up about doing it then let it go. she just wants to find someone to mess with while her boyfriend is away doing his business. shes too into him probrably to have sex with anyone. or shes just scared. whichever it is try it one time ask her if u have too and then depending on the actions and answers... make ur decision.

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ok thanks for the advice, i guess im just an idiot though. she didnt even know i wanted sex from her... i just straight up told her and things are good now :D

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