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All I know is that I feel lost

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Sigh...I am all about doing big things. I get these big ideas-mostly involving world travel, and I just want to get up and go. I can honestly say that I just feel lost lately. Ever since my breakup, I just don't feel like I know where I am going. I wrapped so much of my future in the success of that relationship and now I am forced to dream up another kind of future, and I just don't know what that all involves. I want to get out California because I just feel I need to. I thought a great deal about traveling abroad, but not sure where to go. I feel like I need to focus on getting a career, so that I can have some security but I feel pulled toward adventure just as well. I thought about moving to New York that way I will have adventure and be able to establish a career in fitness, but I am not even sure if I even want to do that. I just feel fing lost. All my plans to go live in Switzerland are over because of the demise of that relationship. I keep thinking I have it figured out but then I just feel full of doubt and uncertainty, which I suppose is normal. I don't have any clarity about the future or what I should look forward to. I am all over the place...does anyone have any advice about what I should do? I mean suggestions for how to proceed? I am just having a tough time moving on and thinking about myself only...

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If you are someone who can take a leap of faith and just pack up and go to NYC then I say go for it. You have more to gain than lose but if your more a cautious type I would still say head to NYC. Getting out of your comfort zone can be uplifting.


Remember you have your future in front of you.



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Proactive...I really feel you as I've been feeling this way too ever since my ex broke up with me.


You are in a state of transition, being pulled every which way. I've often thought about travelling as well, but have been too much of a homebody to go it alone.


I think if you are going to move, you need to tie up loose ends where you are first. that way, if you do end up heading to NY, you can do so looking forward and not back.


Follow your heart. Have you done anything fitness-related yet? It's tough making the decision to jump onto the first thing that comes into your head. You gotta ask yourself 'why' you want to do it: can you imagine yourself doing it? Do you have the right temperament? If so, go for it!


Having siad that, a friend of mine thought it would be great to quit her stressful job to go and teach English in Brazil. She soon grew bored of that and ended up travelling South America with a bunch of randoms. She planned to be in S. America for 3 months, but managed to stay a year! Although scary at first, she loved it and says it was the best thing she's ever done! She came back totally buzzing and refreshed. That could be you!


Whatever you decide, try and do it with as clear a head as possible. Good luck!

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.does anyone have any advice about what I should do? I mean suggestions for how to proceed?



Join the military.

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