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Should i stop letters to Asia due to Radiation?

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i have a penpal in japan and i was about to write when this suddenly happened.


i'm concerned about sending( cause do they allow letters now? )

and receiving( cause if my penpal has radiation and passes it to the letter...will i get it? even if it's not her touching the letter. the mail carriers and all the people the letter will pass through)


or stuff like that. yeah i dont know alot about these things. i'm stupid.

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i have a penpal in japan and i was about to write when this suddenly happened.


i'm concerned about sending( cause do they allow letters now? )

and receiving( cause if my penpal has radiation and passes it to the letter...will i get it? even if it's not her touching the letter. the mail carriers and all the people the letter will pass through)


or stuff like that. yeah i dont know alot about these things. i'm stupid.


Wow, are you serious about asking if you will get radiation from a letter?

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of course not, silly -_- radiation is not a virus, you can't get it from any object or person

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You know what you should stop? Stop watching Fox news and CNN.


Have no fear. You'll be fine. If it eases your mind, I have a chance to see my SO in May. He's living 120 miles south of ***ushima and food containing elevated, albeit faint levels of radioactive iodine was found in his prefecture.


When I see him, I fully intend to make out with him for an hour, radiation be damned.

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