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my girfriend is sad about her ex

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I need some advice, I have been dating a girl for a couple months and really like her alot. We were friends for a long time before we started going out because she was dating someone. We knew we both had feelings for each other and when her relationship ended, we decided to start seeing each other.


The thing is that she feels bad because her ex-boyfriend is hurt about their relationship ending but also that she is in another one now. She wants to be friends with him but he won't have anything to do with her. She misses him and is upset he won't be friends with her.


I am concerned that she is beginning to feel guilty about our relationship and see it standing in the way of her forging a friendship with her ex. I would be happy if she was friends with him. I am not jealous but I think that it's hard for her to talk to me about it.


Has anyone experienced this? If so what happened or what do you think I should do?

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I think that maybe she needed a break before she got back into the dating game, or in another relationship.

If didnt take the neccessary time out to her self, it may hurt your relationship in the future

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Originally posted by NewSounds13

...Has anyone experienced this? If so what happened or what do you think I should do?


Yes. I have experienced this. What happened? I ended the relationship. I think you should do the same thing. Who wants to be in a relationship with someone who does nothing but talk about their ex?


If this girl is still not over her ex, give her some time to get over him. Break it off and tell her she can come back when she feels she is ready. Don't wait around, though, but definitely keep her in mind when she's ready :)

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I agree with Faux... I was in a similar relationship. My gf at the time thought about her ex a lot. It did not make me jealous at the time but caused me a lot of heart ache at the end of the relationship. I strongly recommend breaking things off until she figures things out in her head.

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DEFINITELY agree with the others.


Don't get involved with relationship jumpers because eventually they will yearn for freedom and being single when they realize they've been involved for so damn long without any independence and you will get the s*** end of the stick.

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Thanks for your advice, everyone. I am not sure what I should do though. I thought that maybe I could take a partial step back and just enjoy the time we spend together, giving her more space by herself and less of a sense of responsibility to me. Maybe then she could see our new relationship for what it is in comparison to what she might have had before. Breaking it off isn't really true to what I feel about us, so it's hard to consider doing. Has anyone gotten back with someone after dealing with a situation like this?

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I did not get back together with my ex but there were some other factors involved. I don't think you should break things off too punish her, but rather to be fair to both of you.

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