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Friends or something else?

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I need some help.I have a friend(actually an ex boyfriend of mine, he's been my ex and my best friend for 8 years now.) that I am starting to have stronger feelings for. How can I tell if he is having the same feeling for me? Is there any sure fire signs that he is as into me as I am into him? I am pretty confused by this we hang out all the time share a small farming business together and seem to have sex quite often as well.The sex hasn't affected our friendship any at all and actually seems to not even be an issue between the two of us. It doesn't happen all the time we can hang out and sleep in the same bed and not have sex too though. Is that strange or does it seem normal for friends who are sleeping together to do that? I know for a fact that I am totally into him and would like to take this to another level and would like to know if there are any signs that he wants to do the same.


We can go out to dinner together and the waitresses will comment on what a cute couple we are and when we tell them that we are just friends they even have a hard time believing it. Any advice would be greatly apprieciated. Thanks for all of your help!!!

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Definitely something else and strange. Friends don't have sex together, friends usually don't spend the night in the same bed. It sounds like you have some very strong feelings for him. You should probably talk to him and find out where he is in this whole thing. What happens when he dates someone else? Or has he even dated anyone else and how did you feel about it. I just don't want you to be used by this guy so I would find out what is going on especially if you want to take it to the next level. Also, I have a hard time believing that the sex isn't an issue with you guys. You mean to say you can have sex with him and no emotional involvement? That is very difficult especially for women.

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When he dates another girl we still have sex and carry on as normal as we can. I've tried talking to him and can't seem to get a straight answer out of him as to how he wants this relationship to contiue like if he wants us to just be friends or try to have a relationship. He has just recently gotten out of a marrige he is 23 and his wife was 19 strange huh? So I could understand if he wanted to take it slow but this has been going on for 8 years already now what?

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i love him but....

no that isnt strange at all there is nothin wrong with havingsome one that you r sexualy attracted to . especialy if u had a sex life when you dated b4 . as long as you dont have an actual relationship with another person then its okey. and you cant realy tell to much if he likes you just talk to him next time u guys have dinner together talk to him . ask him questions like what if we were to go back out again. or just come right out and tell him how you feel.

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