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Why does he act moody towards me?

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There is a guy friend at work who has always flirted with me. It's never ever gotten "off the ground" yet and any time it gets close, he changes his mood drastically.


I'll give an example; a couple of weeks ago, he was always around me and touching my arm and smiling and joking around. He called and emailed a lot and was often looking my way. Then, about a week ago, this all changed. He avoided me ALL week and deliberately ignores me in front of other people. I don't know what brings about this change at all. But, since this isn't the first time this happened, I let it go and thought it wasn't me. I usually give him a lot of space and wait until the dust settles. The thing is that OTHER people also see this and have pointed it out to me. I get the sense that he is angry or annoyed (might be a better word). It is starting to grate on me and it hurts. He was really annoyed when I asked a simple question yesterday and was more than a little curt.


In the past when this happened, it wasn't so severe, but I actually once tried to talk to him about it and it made it worse. Any advice? It is so difficult to see or run into him every day and being given the cold shoulder when I don't have the first clue why. Please help. :(

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