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Okay, so I have this friend and I'm pretty sure I blew it early on by telling him I like him (like that).


I did so with the advice from a friend, but she hasn't had much luck in the romance department herself and she goes about relationships all wrong.


Anyway, he friend zoned me and I totally know why.


Being a woman, I don't think it's wise to pursue a guy. It just doesn't work that way. Men are hunters and like to pursue women, not the other way around, no matter what the day and age is like.


I think that also, men like what they can't have, so the more you act like you're not interested, the more they will become interested.


Who agrees with me that it was probably a bad idea to tell him I like him like that right away? And as a female, for other females, would you ever tell a guy you like him? If you have, has it worked out for you, or do you usually let men pursue you?


I'm trying to back track here and let him pursue me, but I feel like I've already dug my hole too deep. I've told him more than once. It doesn't feel like too big of a deal, because I've never told him in person or even over the phone, just over text and IM, but still...


I wish I hadn't.


What do you think? Men, you can answer, too. Would you be turned off by a woman who seemed too...eager? To be with you? Would you feel like you were in a cage or something if you found out, after only a couple months of talking to a girl, that she "likes you like that"?


Any insight is helpful.

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Hey, I think you're giving this too much thought.

Nothing wrong with letting a guy know you like him. In fact you did him a favor by breaking the ice. I'm certain he's flattered by your honesty.

As far as guys doing the pursuing, that's a lot of nonsense. Do you think guys are like cavenmen? If that were true they wouldn't be pursuing supermarkets. You would have a fridge full of deer, rabbitt and squirrels.

I think you should call him, invite him over for a homemade meal. That will definitely win his heart.

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It's not a bad idea for anyone (guy or girl) to tell another person how they feel about them. It is a bad idea to keep hanging around that other person if they choose not to see you in the same way.


I've had girls say after the first date, "We need to do this again." or something similar. It basically says, "Look dude, you've done the work. I'm interested. Just ask." It's always nice to know or at least be given some verbal signs.


For what it's worth, you only wish you hadn't told him because he hasn't taken you up on your advances. If he had, you'd think it was the best idea you ever had.

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ranger...saying "we need to do this again" is much different than flat out, boldly and bluntly saying "I like you"

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