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help concerned

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HI! I need some help guys and girls! I have been seeing someone for 9 months now. Everything was going really good till about a month ago. I have really bad anxiety disorder and tend to worry a lot. Recently, i told my boyfriend that i didn't want to be with him. I am really scared of comittment and have trouble being close to anyone. I break up with him every other day and consistently tell him I am going to leave him. He usually cries and says he doesn't want me to leave him and wants to be with me. Just recently he said he can't take the up and down stuff and I am afraid I have pushed him away now I really want to be with him and work things out but hes unsure. He says he loves me and but is scared and insecure in relationships and always has been even though this is longest relationship he has had. He is 28 years old, has a really great career, good friends, and I enjoy being with him. Why is he insecure? What should I do to try to get things back on track?

Today, he told me he wanted to work things out but take things slow.

Please help!!!

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Just do what he's asking and take it slow. He obviously cares a lot about you if he wants to work through this. So just make sure that the lines of communication are always open.

Above all, see that you take care of this anxiety disorder problem so that it doesn't continue to interfere with your relationships. If you truly do have it, you should be seeing a doctor and possibly getting medication. Mine helped a lot, and has been a lifesaver, although I do look forward to being weened off of it.

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Why are you playing games with this poor guy????


Decide what you want and stick with it. If you are not ready for a relationship or if you are not happy, move on. At least until you figure out what you want. Don't continue to lead him on.


I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but there is no excuse for that behavior. Games like that give us women a bad name.

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concerned 25

thanks for your advice... i do have anxiety disorder and i am currently on medication for it. i am not trying to play games.. i am just scared.. i have been in a lot of relationships they didn't work out. I don't want to get hurt again. I don't cheat on him and I am being open and honest.

Thanks again for your advice.

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Any relationship you go into is going to leave you with some risk of being hurt. If this guy is worth it, work out whatever issues you have. Counseling, self-help books, anything you think might help.

Good luck!

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