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Cruel Ex and His New Girlfriend on a Daily Basis

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I have been broken up with my ex boyfriend for about eight months now. He was my first love. We fell in deep very quickly, became best friends, and spent all the time we could possible together or on the phone. We always talked about the future and were immensley close. None of my friends can understand how in love we were because they never experienced it. We dated on and off for 3 years followed by consecutively for about two. We were eachother's first everything.


All of a sudden this summer, he stopped talking to me. He began hanging out with people older than us and making bad decisions that he would have never made when we were together. This killed me. We were best friends and lovers... so how in the HELL can you blow off somebody you love? I know we both loved eachother very much and we told eachother of our feelings often. The only communication we had for 2 months was on the internet, and he'd constantly try to make me jealous.


When school started things were awkward for a while, but then we began to talk. He told me he hadn't kissed one girl in the past three months and he assured me that he wouldn't hurt me. We weren't back together but things were definatley starting to go well. Anyways... A girl in his group of friends older than us (and one of my old friends....) came onto him one night at a party, and they started dating the week after.


This KILLED me. The ex and I stopped talking---and I cannot believe how he could ever do this to me. Anyways-ever since our initial brake up he's said really rude and hurtful things about me behind my back-he's a genuine a**h***. He's still doing things and saying things to put me down to other people although he's never said it to my face. I don't talk to him, look at him, it appears as if I'm over him, but the pain is still building up inside. He always looks at me, and how could he NOT still care about me? We had such strong feelings for eachother--he's extremley macho and he even bawled at the thought of losing me during our relationship several times. I miss him. He was my best friend- how could he do this to me? And why did he completely change his personality after we broke up? This is torture... I have to see him and his new girl every day at school. They've been together for 5 months. I'm even changing schools next year to get away from him. They both flipped me off the other day. WHAT THE HELL.


Does anybody have any idea what his deal is?? And why's he still trying to hurt me? Can you change love to hate so quickly??-Because he's told people in the past that he "hates me." Funny.... he was obsessed with me earlier.

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He's being immature....which often comes with teen love. Then again...it comes with adult love also. I don't know that I would change schools...why let him put YOU in a position of having to get used to new surroundings and make new friends. Don't give him that kind of power.


You need to go out with friends and meet a better guy!!! After that, all your exes ploys will just seem trivial and silly.


I would ignore him and the new girlfriend. Chances are he'll move on and do the same thing to her.

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I DUNNO HOW OUR EX'S WHO CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN OUR BEST FRIENDS/LOVERS CAN JUST UP AND LEAVE AND PRETEND THEY NEVER KNEW US... my ex talked about me behind my back too (after he left) he was making fun of me saying "she has no friends really" he WAS my best friend and we did EVERYTHING together EVERYTHING...haven't seen him in 11 months because he's with....her. yeah right after our breakup he got another girl friend...2 years with me..then 2 days later he has someone "better" (sigh) i'm so sorry ur ex pulled the same thing.


i'm so sorry u are going through the same pain, how can love be is thoughless, so cruel?? how can they NOT miss us? think of us? care about us? i don't get this!!!

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Your ex is acting very immature. I don't know why he insists on badmouthing you, or why his girlfriend is going along with him on such stupidity, but the best thing to do is ignore all of it.


It hurts that he doesn't have feelings for you anymore, but if this is the way he acts after a breakup, instead of just going on with his life, it's better that you didn't date him again. Have friends that don't hang out with him, feign ignorance about the dumb words or actions. Years from now, you'll look back at his foolish behavior and laugh your a$$ off. And be glad that you met somebody else who treated you with respect.

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