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dont no wot to do help

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hiya theres this girl right that used to go out with my new bloke and at the mo shes giving me so much grief and ##### stirring between us i dont know what to do to stop her comming between us as my b-friends still good mates with her and i hate her help

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If your boyfriend is not enough of a man to put his foot down and stop his ex from interfering with his new relationship, then he's probably not man enough to be your guy.


Let him know that this situation is totally unacceptable to you and you want it brought to an end. Also let him know if he can remain good mates with her and she can stop making trouble for the two of you, then fine. Otherwise, he's got to leave her off at the underground...or you will gone out of his life. It's just that plain and simple.


I also don't see how she can give you grief personally unless you allow it. You should ignore her and avoid her. Do not engage her in conversation and stay away from her when she is around.


Frankly, I think it is really weird that your boyfriend would continue a friendship with someone he dated before who causes problems for his new girlfriend. That is just very very strange. The more I think about it, the more I feel this is just as much your boyfriend's fault as it is his ex.

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