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What Do I Do? I Have Never Made A Move On A Girl!

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ok so i basically realized that i have never made a move on a girl before in my life! I have had 4 girlfriends, and somehow i managed to get the girls that would initiate everything. holding hands, kissing, feeling, basically any physical contact. It makes no sense whatsoever, but any time ive felt like putting my hand on a girl, putting my arm around her, grabbing her hand, i think that they might not like it or something like that...


last month i started dating a girl who was my best friend 3 years ago. i moved back into her area and when we met up again, we instantly connected and had a very strong physical attraction. It is taking me some getting used to, going from best friends to dating. but since i like this girl so much, i forced myself to at least initiate kisses and stuff. its kind of weird though, because ive only ever initiated anything sexual, like feeling and kissing and rubbing and oral, but i have never put my arm around her or grabbed her harnd, or squeezed her body(unless its during foreplay)


one more thing. she loves to ask me questions, and i love to answer them, but lately she said she wanted me to ask her questions, ones that are sexual in nature. like an example of the questions she asks me is(these are over facebook): "what did you like most out of the things we did tonight?" is she trying to talk dirty with me, or is she interested in my answers?


thank you!

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Just answer the questions truthfully. Don't read into anything.



As for not making moves it looks like you are doing pretty well for yourself anyway so I wouldn't worry about it.

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