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Curing "Nice Guy Syndrome" HELP

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Originally posted by Alexandré

Well thats me, Mr. Cocky/Funny guy whos not a complete ass, but not too nice either. But some people still tell me that I'm too nice which makes no sense to me cause I'm sarcastic and I curse alot :p. I try to act the same around all girls, whether or not I like em, but it seems likes its only the ones I'm not interested in that want me....in fact I have 3 girls I know like me, and another 2 that are practically stalking me...Maybe its just because I've been stuck in this small town for most of my life, and I already know everyone.


i think all in all there's no problem being who you are. when it comes to girls, just dont let them walk all over you. you have to respect yourself before they can respect you. you should not go out of your way to help someone unless it's life threatening or for friends/family. if u go out of your way to help a chick u just met, it's an indicator that you're an easy doormat.



i think the trouble here is that everyone has their own definition of what a "nice guy" truly is.

alexandre has defined his actions/personality/character as a "nice guy", but how far exactly did you take this routine??


think about this guys, "how nice can you be?" or How Far Are you Willing to take it?

you can be not nice or super duper supreme extra nice. it's like a scale, you have to find where the limit is.


alex, just dont try tooo hard. girls dont like desperate guys.

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