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Any geniuses around?


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I'll get to the point. I'm 35, have never been on a date, and have a genius IQ. For most of that time I was pretty attractive (not so much now but working on it, have a gym membership etc) and I know several girls did like me (I either didn't like them, or I didn't know they liked me until way later.) I've tried asking a few girls out in my life but it never went anywhere. I don't believe in cheap sex and only pursued the few girls I felt a real connection with.


I enjoy my own company most of the time, occasionally I get lonely but I fear I wouldn't want to deal with the headache brought on by most women. The world says that the problem is that I don't conform to the standard list of requirements on dating and relationships, as defined by the human female nature. I would say that the problem is that they don't conform to my own higher standards of behavior and ethics. That's a bit tongue-in-cheek but both sides definitely have some truth to them.


Anyway, I have been wondering if I'm just too cerebral or detached from my emotions etc. to bother with dating. And I'm wondering if there are any other persons of high-IQ out there that feel similarly. Issac Newton reportedly said his greatest achievement was dying a virgin. (I guess at some point of advanced age you can make a statement like that with reasonable assuredness that it will remain true after you are dead.) I think it would be sad to die a virgin, but I think it would be sadder to waste my virginity on a meaningless encounter or someone I didn't care about.


Experienced daters of lower IQ need not respond. I've read your advice many times and, maybe it works for you but it doesn't work for me. :rolleyes:

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I'll get to the point. I'm 35, have never been on a date, and have a genius IQ. For most of that time I was pretty attractive (not so much now but working on it, have a gym membership etc) and I know several girls did like me (I either didn't like them, or I didn't know they liked me until way later.) I've tried asking a few girls out in my life but it never went anywhere. I don't believe in cheap sex and only pursued the few girls I felt a real connection with.


I enjoy my own company most of the time, occasionally I get lonely but I fear I wouldn't want to deal with the headache brought on by most women. The world says that the problem is that I don't conform to the standard list of requirements on dating and relationships, as defined by the human female nature. I would say that the problem is that they don't conform to my own higher standards of behavior and ethics. That's a bit tongue-in-cheek but both sides definitely have some truth to them.


Anyway, I have been wondering if I'm just too cerebral or detached from my emotions etc. to bother with dating. And I'm wondering if there are any other persons of high-IQ out there that feel similarly. Issac Newton reportedly said his greatest achievement was dying a virgin. (I guess at some point of advanced age you can make a statement like that with reasonable assuredness that it will remain true after you are dead.) I think it would be sad to die a virgin, but I think it would be sadder to waste my virginity on a meaningless encounter or someone I didn't care about.


Experienced daters of lower IQ need not respond. I've read your advice many times and, maybe it works for you but it doesn't work for me. :rolleyes:




There are many people that range a broad spectrum of intelligence capacity or lack there of, that use something as a wall to block human connection. It sounds to me like you are using your I.Q as an excuse to do that.


Genius I.Q or not, you seem to notice that you do not know how to connect with people and you come up with excuses and claim you just do not want to connect. Not every relationship or woman is a headache. This is a forum where people come to vent. Yes, you are more likely to hear good than bad here but that is simply because of the bias of the members who come here. Those who are satisfied in their dating life and happy are not going to be posting their side in a relationship advice forum.


You also keep bringing up this bit about not wanting meaningless sex, who is saying you need to do that ? Just throw that idea out of the window because it is not hardly that black and white where your only options are to have sex for the sake of an orgasm or none at all.


You need to decide whether your do or do not want a relationship and if the answer is yes, then you need to quit hiding behind your I.Q and using it as a means to wall yourself off from the rest of the world.

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Feelin Frisky

Yes, I identify very much with you. I was the first of 8 children and my mother made it a habit of just getting me out of her hair with food stuffs so she could manage all the other little kids. So I suffered through school as a fat child. I was tall and tops in school without even applying myself but I was unmotivated and taunted and tormented for my weight. When I went on a special diet in my teens I became what most girls would describe as a "hunk". But I never felt at that time like I had the image I had developed. I had a chance to connect with some nice girls and maybe marry young but my family moved us out to the burbs while I was in the middle of my last year of high school. What a bummer. I didn't make any new friends in that lousy half year of HS because it was so different from what I was used to. But inside I still felt like the kid who would go in the house when the girls came down the block from church to avoid being mocked rather than the 6'2" blue-eyed man I was becoming who could get anyone.


I've had on and off weight problems and a few relationships--one that was good for five years. But it went sour and I got heavy again and got depressed. I went on another campaign to reinvent myself when I was a little younger than you and again I built up this model looking guy. Only that time I finally learned how to dress GQ and fill out the whole image package. I had some relationships and some decent sex for a while but then I met someone I wanted to marry. It went disastrous and I haven't recovered from it. I don't even try. I procrastinate a lot and won't do things unless I feel I can project that dynamic guy that hides inside me. But my being alone so much and exercising out doors for so many many hours and miles, I have engaged my intellect to be high powered. I've had freedoms other people don't by avoiding relationships to make break-throughs in my comprehension of things. But now I have so much creative vision it's all I care about. The trouble is, I don't really know anybody. And you need to know people to succeed.


I will get involved with someone again but it's not a priority. I want to succeed a an artist/entrepreneur so bad I eat, sleep and dream it. Trouble is, I don't do enough to break into new social spheres. I keep trying to enter awards programs and connect with one of my intellectual properties but no luck so far.


I've drawn great strength from solitude but sometimes I just want to hold and be held just like everyone else. I won't be in a "settle" relationship like my brothers. They get no sex and just grief from their wives. So single is good in some ways and bad in others.

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If you lived in a world with only lower mammals, I doubt you would want to lower yourself down to that animal level in order to find "happiness" with one. It's not a great analogy but it's the best way I can describe it. I don't state that as my definitive situation, but I fear I may be facing something like it, which is why I asked the question. If there are some very left-brained geniuses who have managed to find success with women despite that, or somehow including that, that's what I want to hear about. Or if other left-brained geniuses want to state similar stories of failures or why they gave up on the whole mess, that would also be helpful. Newton is dead so I can't really ask his opinion.


I'm not hiding behind anything, I'm attempting to ask the question of those who are like me, because I think the disconnect is that I'm constantly getting advice from people who are really not like me at all. The majority of people tell me what to change myself to be, what I'm supposed to be, and while some changes would be positive, overall I do not like what I'm hearing. I can improve things about myself but at the end of the day I am never going to be happy trying to act like someone I'm not, or conform to standards which conflict with my personal standards of ethical behavior.


I see lists of things you're supposed to be. Confidence is primary on that list. Why does every guy have to be "confident" in order to have success? Just forget everything you learned about dating and actually think about that for a moment. These kinds of "requirements to fit the mold" -- I see them as people just giving up on any kind of self-betterment as human beings and giving in to their animal nature. Women always choosing their mate based on genetic drive rather than their own intellect. Aren't there women out there that are better than this?


How about ethics? Ethics have very little place in the animal kingdom and very little place in dating. As a society we are supposed to have evolved from acting like animals, yet at the base level we have not. I have high standards of ethics, the world doesn't share them. That's fine, because some women should still have some ethics. Perhaps women raised in a Christian background, even though they may be adhering to an outside ideal rather than any kind of self-realized enlightenment. Yet most of the time that's just a facade -- they say one thing and do another.


Am I cynical? You better believe it. Yet generalizations aside, I still have the same choice -- believe that happy relationships are still possible, or give up entirely.


As I said, I don't expect most people to believe what I'm saying or really have a clue about the nature of my situation. You live in your world with the rest of humanity and do the things that work for you, I'm not here to condemn you for it. You probably have a lot more success and happiness living in this world than I do. Just be happy with that and move on without trolling my thread. I'm just trying to see if anyone can relate.

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Anyway, I have been wondering if I'm just too cerebral or detached from my emotions etc. to bother with dating.


Being a genius with knowledge is very different from being in love with people. Your brain has capacity to do both, of course, and it sounds like you need to start fully utilizing that brain.


Being with people is the only way you will exercise the parts of your brain that deal with communication and emotions and romantic encounters.


If you want to exercise that part of the brain, start meeting people, making friends and begin dating. Have fun with it, too!


You may be a genius, but if you have never been in love you can't say you have lived fully. Or that you are "too cerebral" for that matter.

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Am I cynical? You better believe it. Yet generalizations aside, I still have the same choice -- believe that happy relationships are still possible, or give up entirely.
How can you be cynical when you've never experienced a relationship?


Consider the framework of your arguments. You believe a number of data points but have never experienced them. But then, you say that no one else can help you since they're not genius' like you. Now compare the rationale. Without personal experience, you're relying on experiences of others to create your framework for cynicism. And yet these same others, you're disparaging their advice.


Tsk, tsk, genius. Not rational.

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I still felt like the kid who would go in the house when the girls came down the block from church to avoid being mocked rather than the 6'2" blue-eyed man I was becoming who could get anyone.


Interesting. And I like the quote about the girls being straight out of church yet they would mock you for something like weight. Unbelievable. So hard to find actual good people in this world, who practice any of the ideals they are preaching.


I understand the weight problem and the thing is, for me I see it as a side issue. I'm overweight and know I need to lose it before really trying, I'm working on it, I don't try to date right now and wouldn't expect anyone to date me as I look at the moment, even though some of my friends ARE my weight and have success. Maybe in a perfect world weight wouldn't matter, but given that it's unhealthy to be overweight anyway, I don't see the point in rallying against that particular facet of the animal nature. Best to just lose it and have one less obstacle in my way.


Only that time I finally learned how to dress GQ and fill out the whole image package. I had some relationships and some decent sex for a while but then I met someone I wanted to marry. It went disastrous and I haven't recovered from it. I don't even try. I procrastinate a lot and won't do things unless I feel I can project that dynamic guy that hides inside me. But my being alone so much and exercising out doors for so many many hours and miles, I have engaged my intellect to be high powered. I've had freedoms other people don't by avoiding relationships to make break-throughs in my comprehension of things. But now I have so much creative vision it's all I care about. The trouble is, I don't really know anybody. And you need to know people to succeed.


I've heard people say "he (someone else, not me) shouldn't go too long without dating, he'll get set in his ways and be un-dateable." Regardless of judging that condition as positive or negative, I wonder how true it is and if so, how hard it would be to change it. As you say, we really do enjoy our freedom and while we both get lonely sometimes, we are unsure of the tradeoff involved.


I will get involved with someone again but it's not a priority. I want to succeed a an artist/entrepreneur so bad I eat, sleep and dream it. Trouble is, I don't do enough to break into new social spheres. I keep trying to enter awards programs and connect with one of my intellectual properties but no luck so far.


I've drawn great strength from solitude but sometimes I just want to hold and be held just like everyone else. I won't be in a "settle" relationship like my brothers. They get no sex and just grief from their wives. So single is good in some ways and bad in others.


Agreed -- when I look at the relationships of those around me, very few of them are really happy. None of my siblings could hold together a marriage. My mom had a good marriage with my dad (which even then involved bad tempers and bickering over money) -- then my dad died when I was pretty young. She hasn't had a sensible relationship in the decades since then. Some marriages I see which seem stable also seem shallow and superficial. The longest-term relationship I know of is between a semi-crazy guy and girl who have been together for decades but never married. And he's really controlling. My best friend, he did nothing but fight with his ex it seemed. Now he's head-over-heels for someone else but spends absolutely all of his time with her and has no freedom at all.


Does "normal" even exist? I certainly don't see it around me.


Your brain has capacity to do both, of course, and it sounds like you need to start fully utilizing that brain.


Being with people is the only way you will exercise the parts of your brain that deal with communication and emotions and romantic encounters.


I dunno, does it? I feel I'm losing touch with my emotional side entirely. Like I see people's emotions but can't participate in them for a number of reasons. I learned how to separate myself from my emotions at a young age, when I lost my father, and my mom nearly lost her mind over it. I always have to be the sensible and logical one in my family. I've also had a tendency to fall madly and obsessively in love with a few girls that never liked me, and get emotionally destroyed. So I tend to see emotions as a weakness that allow you to be hurt or make poor decisions.


If you want to exercise that part of the brain, start meeting people, making friends and begin dating. Have fun with it, too!


I plan to do this when I've improved myself sufficiently (physically and financially) but I don't hold out much hope of success. I do have a tendency to be extremely negative about things before doing them. Maybe if I can see any kind of positives from an actual person, then I will have something tangible to balance out all the negatives.

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Eternal Sunshine

I am not a genius but have worked with a few....and I will expand more later.


Did you know that most Nobel prize winners are in fact married/have LTRs?


Being a genius is not your problem, but you would rather think that it is. There is something else going on.


Out of curiosity, what is your IQ?

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Eddie Edirol

You may be new to this board but you display all the same tendencies of the men who want a relationship but dont want to conform to do it. Your "genious" is just a barrier that you put up. When you are ready to take that down and learn how to be social, (even with people like yourself) you will suceed, and still will be able to include your standards and ethics. You mean to tell me you dont belong to some sort of genious society that has women in it that you can hit on??


I know what youre saying, you dont want a proverbial "bimbo", no problem, its easy to avoid them.


I can improve things about myself but at the end of the day I am never going to be happy trying to act like someone I'm not, or conform to standards which conflict with my personal standards of ethical behavior.


You obviously have a particular behavior in mind that you think you are supposed to do but didnt do research on what really works. When you are told to improve your self, its just about improving your knowledge of social situations and how to handle them, not to change your personality or who you are.



I see lists of things you're supposed to be. Confidence is primary on that list. Why does every guy have to be "confident" in order to have success? Just forget everything you learned about dating and actually think about that for a moment. These kinds of "requirements to fit the mold" -- I see them as people just giving up on any kind of self-betterment as human beings and giving in to their animal nature.

See you do too much thinking with no knowledge of actual dating. NO one likes someone who has self esteem issues, is a downer or is depressed about themselves. Women like confident men who are passionate about what they do and who they are. It doesnt have to be an act. Youre allegedly a genious, Im sure youre confident about their knowledge. its not attractive to anyone if they are self depricating too often, or at all. people like to be around peopel who are happy with themselves. if you want to live your life depressed or on a perpetual downer, you'll ,live it alone.


Women always choosing their mate based on genetic drive rather than their own intellect. Aren't there women out there that are better than this?


If you have to ask this question, you havent been asking out the wrong women. Theres alot of women out there who arent intellectual, so they dont care about intellect. Everyone has their agendas. You have to pick your battles. Women have preferences. You have standards, so do they. You cant be mad when their standards exclude you. Some of them like guys with money, many of them only date guys with muscles and great looks. Alot of them just want to be treated right and will commit to you even if you are average looking, but you cant be a crushing bore.


I have high standards of ethics, the world doesn't share them. That's fine, because some women should still have some ethics. Perhaps women raised in a Christian background, even though they may be adhering to an outside ideal rather than any kind of self-realized enlightenment. Yet most of the time that's just a facade -- they say one thing and do another.


What, you want a virgin like you that wants to wait for a serious relationship, or wants to wait until shes married to have sex? Well if you dont fancy women who have casual sex, then go to the places that have virgins. if you want to find one like you, you have alot of work to do find the right one. You'll have to get to know alot of women. They will never come to you.


Am I cynical? You better believe it. Yet generalizations aside, I still have the same choice -- believe that happy relationships are still possible, or give up entirely.
So youre a quitter? Since when are geniouses quitters? Youre supposed to be able to find ways to get things you want, have you ever even read any books on the dynamics of dating? just because ysome girls turned you down you want to throw in the towel? Youre just like the rest of the quitters on here. They do barely any social work, think they know it all when they get turned down, and then quit when their egos cant take anymore....and then have the nerve to not listen to the advise thats given them. Look around, theres so many on this board.


I'm just trying to see if anyone can relate.


Youre just like any frustrated guy on this board looking for a type of woman that he cant get. Dating is a good challenge if you look at it the right way. its all about learning the psychology of women. Theres not alot to it, but you can be helped if youre not too proud to accept help. You dont have to change your personality, but you have to be willing to admit you really need help.

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spend more time on hitting on women, and less time on theories about women and you will probably be much better off.

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Bro if you wanna get your dick wet stop being a little phaggot and go get some. Like half of the chicks on the earth are dumb anyway. And the ones that aren't dumb are probably taken by now. So go get a dumb broad like everyone else and be happy.


Thank you for managing to lower my opinion of humanity even further. I didn't think that was even possible for me any longer. So, thanks for proving that the seemingly impossible is still possible. :D


I am not a genius but have worked with a few....and I will expand more later.


LOL, ok? Like they are mental patients or something? Actually, I've read that the highest super geniuses are often kind of demented. I've never known any personally.


Did you know that most Nobel prize winners are in fact married/have LTRs?


Get some of them on here to give me advice then? LOL.


Being a genius is not your problem, but you would rather think that it is. There is something else going on.


Out of curiosity, what is your IQ?


I would never state that it is my only problem. It is, however, definitely a problem, and may or may not be the root problem. Whether the aforementioned Nobel prize winners (and that is really a terrible sample set) were able to brilliantly succeed in their fields doesn't mean they were all geniuses.


As for my IQ, I don't see that it would be fair either to myself or others to start throwing around numbers. Most online tests are extremely inaccurate -- one of my less-intelligent friends (who does have a lot of business smarts, I'll give him that) scored "very high" on some online test which I think he may have taken several times or manipulated etc. If you have a link to a free, justifiably-accurate online IQ test, I may take it if you insist. I can say that I have consistently been in the top 1% of my class throughout my entire schooling, consistently threw off the "curve" in engineering classes, won various academic awards that I never really cared about and have generally been viewed as the "smartest guy" people know. I also felt that way about myself until I went to the main campus of my college with over 40,000 people, in which I finally had a couple academic rivals (a fact which tended to annoy me, I admit LOL.)

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If you lived in a world with only lower mammals, I doubt you would want to lower yourself down to that animal level in order to find "happiness" with one. It's not a great analogy but it's the best way I can describe it.



That is exactly what I am talking about. Firstly, your IQ may be high but it only reflects that you display exceptional intelligence in certain categories of life not all. You seem to believe your I.Q has made you above people yet there are vital areas of life that you seem to know little to nothing about. Imagine if we all assumed you were not worth our time simply because some of us are successful and have much better understanding and knowledge about interpersonal relationships. You are not as different from all other animals, as you have been telling yourself that you are. You have strengths and weaknesses just as we all do. There are things you are better at than others, and things others are better at than you. As it stands you are one big defense mechanism, no one can get through. Whether you hear this from me or from some left brained genius, they will tell you that you have to let people in and not make everyone else feel beneath you. Instead of knocking everyone who responds to your thread you might try taking some advice from those who are in good and happy relationships. I will also give you another freebie and let you know that I have gotten great and useful advice from those who were not always like me, either. It offered perspective that I could think about and determine what applied to me and what did not.

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okay, three... this is the third post of yours that I've read and I have to say, if anyone in this bi*ch is a genius, it's you.


well said.


I second this post, OP. get over yourself...

Why thank you! I did not too shabby in school too. :laugh:


Chesspiece, if you're of genius IQ, I'll eat my hat. Online tests are lame. Go get yourself tested using SB5.


One of my exes used to score 190 - 210 using online tests. His SB scores didn't come close although he was above the genius line.

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Eternal Sunshine

Also, if you are in the top 1% of IQ levels, would you only date someone who matches that? Would anything else be "lowering yourself"? Cause if that's the case, your pool is limited indeed.

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How can you be cynical when you've never experienced a relationship?


Consider the framework of your arguments. You believe a number of data points but have never experienced them. But then, you say that no one else can help you since they're not genius' like you. Now compare the rationale. Without personal experience, you're relying on experiences of others to create your framework for cynicism. And yet these same others, you're disparaging their advice.


Tsk, tsk, genius. Not rational.


Take all of my money now.

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Eternal Sunshine
Take all of my money now.


I know what you mean. I am about to fall in love with TBF myself. That was just brilliant.

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I know what you mean. I am about to fall in love with TBF myself. That was just brilliant.


SACWA, that is the most ridiculous profile picture I have ever seen on this website.

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Eternal Sunshine
SACWA, that is the most ridiculous profile picture I have ever seen on this website.



Haha it's made using an iPhone app. I kind of like it.

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I really think you may be using the high iq thing as an excuse. I would say I'm above average on the smarts scale and although it probably took me a bit longer to get the hang of it, I know how to party and am pretty in touch with my feelings. I have friends on all levels of smarts and I can adjust to that (however, once they dip to neanderthal its tough). I've also dated various level of smarts and to be honest, it is hard to be with someone that isn't near the same level of intellect.


I really think though that in general if we encounter someone that is eccentric to the max and socially inept, the assumption is that this guy must be some kind of a genius. I actually just took over the job duties of someone who is on the way to retiring that I (as well as my whole corporation) had the assumption was this type of person - he is completely weird! Now that I've been working with him, I also know he is completely dumb. For how weird and flakey he is, the stereotype kept him in a job for the last 20 years because his performance sure wouldn't have if people actually caught on to this.


Out of curiousity, just what kind of a high iq are you talking about.

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Haha it's made using an iPhone app. I kind of like it.


"Oops, dropped my candy cane -- oh hello, I didn't see you standing there!"

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Youre just like any frustrated guy on this board looking for a type of woman that he cant get. Dating is a good challenge if you look at it the right way. its all about learning the psychology of women. Theres not alot to it, but you can be helped if youre not too proud to accept help. You dont have to change your personality, but you have to be willing to admit you really need help.


Right. Everyone is the same, no one who even claims to be different could possibly be different, or be coming from any place other than the one you personally know or have known in others. It's 100% just their own failings and all they have to do is "fix it" and conform and be like you and then they will be fine. Gag.


As for the "challenge" of dating -- maybe this is true to a point, but from almost everything I have read, seen or experienced I don't see it as a fun challenge in any way.


What if I lived in a world where every guy had to become a chess champion to get a girl? Maybe I'd have a slight edge in that world -- but how about people who don't like chess? There's something "wrong" with them according to that majority? Everyone has decided chess is where it's at, how could you have such a problem with it? What's WRONG with you? ...


there are vital areas of life that you seem to know little to nothing about.


I would say that I may have limited practical experience in those areas, and that I tend to dwell on their negative aspects, but certainly not that I know little to nothing about them.


You are not as different from all other animals, as you have been telling yourself that you are.


I AM different and better in terms of standards and ethics because I choose to be. Anyone could be if they tried and held themselves to higher personal standards. Again, the example of sex. I firmly believe that cheap sex is a negative thing -- I see the big picture, why cheap sex degrades you as a person and understand WHY that is without having to conform to external standards like religion. Most people don't agree and that's expected. Most people don't behave in a way that would be best for humanity as a whole, they just live their own lives, do what comes naturally and don't think about greater consequences that much. And as a result we're failing as a species. If every human being had my standards and propensity for introspection and belief in justice and fairness there would be no need for governments, wars, armies or possibly even laws. But that's getting way off topic.


You have strengths and weaknesses just as we all do.


I'm the last person to say that I don't have weaknesses. I listed a bunch of them once on another site -- it didn't really get me any good responses either. I half-heartedly joke that I could easily list over 100 things standing in my way of a relationship. I've never made the list because it would be too depressing.


There are things you are better at than others, and things others are better at than you. As it stands you are one big defense mechanism, no one can get through. Whether you hear this from me or from some left brained genius, they will tell you that you have to let people in and not make everyone else feel beneath you. Instead of knocking everyone who responds to your thread you might try taking some advice from those who are in good and happy relationships.


I'm not knocking everyone, but I do tend to reply to the things that I see as wrong in order to correct them. That behavior was on my aforementioned list. I'm a problem-solver by nature and have a tendency to treat everything as an equation or logic problem whose faults must be immediately addressed and corrected.

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Eternal Sunshine
"Oops, dropped my candy cane -- oh hello, I didn't see you standing there!"



I am going to PM you once I get my privileges.


There, now you have something to look forward to.

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I'm not knocking everyone, but I do tend to reply to the things that I see as wrong in order to correct them. That behavior was on my aforementioned list. I'm a problem-solver by nature and have a tendency to treat everything as an equation or logic problem whose faults must be immediately addressed and corrected.


Actually, this particular trait you mention is really a common trait amongst the dumb jock crowd as well. Men are more fixers/doers and women are more thinkers/feelers (in general, not looking for a battle of the sexes).

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