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Hi there, this Q are for the guys.


Just wondering do all guys like to fondle their gf's breasts? Is that done becoz they derive pleasure from it or is it actually done becoz they feel that their gf would like it?


Is it also possible to get sexually excited even when a guy is hugging someone they don't love? Would a guy want to kiss a gal just for the pleasure of it even if he may not like the gal that much?

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I can't speak for every guy, but for myself, I enjoy, have enjoyed, hope to enjoy touching (fondling sounds kind of perverted) a woman's breasts for every reason you wrote. There are psychologists who speculate there's a bit of unconscious returning to mama included in this. After all, for most people in their first months of life, mama's breasts were a wonderful source of comfort and especially great at chow time.


For your question about excitement, depending on my mental state and degree of restfulness, I can get excited about a female walking in the mall if she presents herself the right way. Hugging someone I don't know would do nothing for me, unless her name was Salma Hayek...I get excited just watching her in movies or on TV interviews. I have never gotten excited hugging someone I didn't know. I really don't think the act of hugging, in and of itself, is very stimulating unless you began having sex with that person in your mind prior to the hug.


Kissing a girl I didn't know, was not attracted to or fond of would be repulsive to me. Kissing a girl who was extremely attractive but for whom I had no feelings or who was a stranger would not be something I would do. Just kissing a stranger would give me no pleasure at all...but it could give me mononucleosis. But I do know of guys who have no trouble with that.


The answer could probably be different from younger men with indiscriminating hormones flowing everywhere. As you get a bit older, you become more selective with your lips and other stimulatible parts of your body.

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Hey, thanks Tony for yr viewpts. I really appreciate them =)


Actually I didn't mean strangers but say friends? Would that have been a different case? Is it possible that a guy just wanted to find someone to kiss that he wouldn't mind even if the gal is just a friend?

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Kissing "JUST" a friend with more than just a quick smack...kissing them in a protracted, more romantic way, would be the most digusting, nauseating thing I could ever do. YUK!!!


If it was a friend I had special, deeper feelings for, not a problem. And that has happened for me. I think any man would enjoy a great, romantic kiss with a lady friend, if he thought a bit more of her than a sister.


But, before I would do that, I would really want to have some serious signs this girl didn't think of me as "JUST" a brother.


If a guy gives you a good, strong KISS...that is really a KISS...I promise there's more there than just a friendship. Maybe it's sort of in between friendship and romance.


I am amused that you would say strangers when you meant to say friends. I mean they are the totally opposite. Maybe it was just too early in the morning for you. I hope I have given you some insight. I am only one guy...I so I encourage other males to give you their own feelings about your questions.

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Guys love breasts, period. They look wonderful, feel wonderful, etc, etc. I agree with Tony, however, if you don't have feelings for the lady, I personally wouldn't be aroused by hugging her. To me, a woman's face, figure, and above all, her personality-are far more important than her breasts.


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