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How to go about it now?

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Hello all :)


I'm looking for some advice and I had to ask here since I have to get it off my chest. The thing is, I know a girl for the last 2 years. She's a really nice friend of mine, bright and fun girl and I enjoy her friendship. Now a little problem has cropped up, she has started to like me in a rather strong way. She has told me this and the fact that she has developed feelings for me but I was taken a little by surprise in the beginning.


I gave it some thought then, and now I see yes we did interact a lot through texts and phone calls mainly but although I do take her as a very good friend but I do not see her as my girlfriend. Never thought of her in that way. What do I do now, do I slowly stop texting and reduce the number of calls with her? I would absolutely hate to lose her as my friend but I certainly don't want to lead her on, making her think I'm also interested and then leave her and make things bitter. I feel that would be pretty darn selfish on my front.


Please advice on how I should handle things and how I should go about this situation.


Thanks and regards,


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Always speak the truth... but speak the truth in love.


Imagine being in her shoes.


Don't lead her on.


But be gracious and graceful telling the truth. Tell her only what she needs to hear. Don't go in great length to explain why you don't see her that way.


Good luck. These situations are tough and just know that the friendship will never be the same, ever.

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How much do you talk now? Daily? I'd say tell her upfront you're flattered or what have you, but only see her as a friend... And do let her know you enjoy her company and wish to remain friends.


Be forthright. Let her know you're not into her romantically. Tell her what you said here. She may keep fawning over you if you do not out with the truth. So you have to stop her dreamy-fantasies towards you.


As far as cutting back contact, i only would if she refuses to take the hint. If you love the convo otherwise, I'd not change the frequency. Though, after you tell her the deal, she may pull back awhile. But if you two are really great friends, it should blow over.. She'll respect you and thank you for being honest.

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