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Ever had a sex buddy or friends with benefits relationship?

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Hi all,


I’m studying/working as a provisional psychologist conducting research on friends-with-benefits relationships and thought you may be interested in knowing about this research project.


Initial research, which has been completed, included in-depth interviews with 30 young adults aged from 21-37 years who had experienced a friends-with-benefits relationship. Based on the information collected from these interviews along with previous research, an online anonymous web survey has just been launched. We hope to attract participants from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand to take part in this project.


Survey participants need to be:

18-35 years of age


Have experienced a sex-buddy or friends-with-benefits relationship


Further information about this project, including a media release on findings to date, can be found via the following links:


Study 2 - direct study link



Media release



Blog page with general information about the project, including a link to the study and media release



I’ve also thrown together a short article, should you be interested to know more about the motivations for this research:


Friends with Benefits and Sex Buddy Relationships


Decades of research exists on casual sex however social science research on “friends-with-benefits” relationships is relatively new. While research on friends-with-benefits relationships is still in its infancy, studies indicate that these relationships are common among American tertiary students, with up to 60 percent reporting they had experienced this kind of relationship at least once in their lifetime.


It is commonly perceived that women are the poor recipients of casual sex relationships, while men enjoy the benefits of casual sex and do not seek emotional attachment. Although some research suggests that women tend to experience negative psychological consequences, such as regret after a one-night-stand, it is unknown whether an ongoing casual sex relationship with a friend or an acquaintance would be any different. Similarly, many men are beginning to take offence at being portrayed as emotionless Neanderthals and many report experiencing an enjoyable emotional connection during their casual sex encounters.


Given the lack of research on this topic, a group of researchers in Australia decided to investigate just how these relationships work. In particular, they wanted to know what people hoped to get out of these relationships and what the benefits and pitfalls of friends-with-benefits relationships were for both women and men.


In-depth anonymous telephone interviews were conducted with 30 adults aged from 21-37 years who all reported that they had experienced a friends-with-benefits relationship. Needless to say, the interviews provided extremely valuable and interesting commentary on what it is like to be a young adult today and more than just tertiary students were having friends-with-benefits relationships. Further information on the research findings can be found here: http://friendswithbenefitsresearch.blogspot.com/2011/03/media-release-study-1-results.html


The same researchers are now conducting an online anonymous survey and want to get your input. If you have a sex-buddy or friends-with-benefits relationship, are heterosexual and aged between 18-35 years, we invite you take part in our research. Your input is extremely valuable and most appreciated. To take part in the survey, go to:



Kind regards,


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