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cheater or not?

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i have been with my husband for 3 yrs were married 2 of em, we have had lots of trouble but good times as well. we have been seperatet for a short amount of time and are now back together with a new start. what this didnt include that i recently found out that in the first week he went of to college remind u hes 24. he has met a girl and slept with her on the first night while he was always telling me such bad things of what i do which i never did. hes was always telling me i was cheating and all this bad stuff. now that he has admitted that he had this one nite stand i dont know if that was really the only time hes such a player its bad. and his only answer besides freaking out on me when i say something bout the subject is to get over it bc we havent been together which brings me to that we were before he left for college then the first day he was there he broke up with me and the following weekend it happened. while we were still talking tho and with me not knowing what was going on i came up to see him after 2 weeks we spend the weekend together and he played like nothing was wrong. i really do love him and i hate to see us not be, but i just dont know if i will ever be able to forgive him and i honestly dont know if i should just get over it, since we had a new start supposedly...or if i should leave him.

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Dump him, get a divorce. If he can have a ONS so easily he is not a good long-term catch. Run away, while you've only wasted 3 years, and don't have kids.

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thx and the bad thing is i kno ur right i jus feel its so hard and what another problem i have is tht i met him in germany and we got married there so im german citizen and i have my permanent resident card but im getting ready to get my 10 yr visa plus soon to be citizen since my dad is a us citizen as well. im afraid divorce will get me deported and ive wasted 2 yrs of leaving my country and fam. for him.....

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