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Getting him to sign!

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HELP! I have been dealing with a divorce for 2 years now. FINALLY I got him to go to mediation and we agreed on everything, but now he won't sign the papers. Legally, doesn't he have to sign within a certain time period. Isn't there something that can be done. Don't feel like having this drag on and on, I want it over with now! This has gone on long enough...want to move on with my life!

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Nobody here is qualified to give you legal advice. Ask your lawyer what to do next.

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In my friends case she told me there was absolutely nothung she can do.

I would not be so nice to him and amybe if you weren't agreeable with him he wuld do something.

How about getting for alimony while your seperated?

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There are some pretty good divorce legal help sites. Since it's a divorce issue...it will change from state to state. If you have any probs finding a site....just PM me and I'll send you a couple.


Mine took FOREVER.....and I feel your pain.

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