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Love vs Passion

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I am just curious to know what your definition of love and passion is? Can one exist without the other? Do they both have to be present to endure an ever-lasting relationship?


In a relationship, I hear so many people proclaim that they've lost the "spark". But they state their significant other is still a wonderful person and they love them, but aren't "in-love." Therefore, some terminate their relationships hoping to ignite that long lost feeling of passion again.


I have my own opinion about the two, especially after ending a relationship where I truly felt like I knew what love really consisted of. And it wasn't what the media portrays. IMO, our society puts too much emphasis on romance and "feelings". Non-fictional relationships aren't based on these images we see in romance movies and novels. But they would like us to belive that they are.


Since my break-up, I've read some very informative information about Western society views on love and how it basically consists of infatuation and lust. But it rarely has anything to do with mature love and companionship.


Anyways, I just wanted to hear other view points on this subject.

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We've had threads about passion, lust, and the nature of companionate versus romantic love.


hoping to ignite that long lost feeling of passion again.


IMHO, that 'lost feeling' consist of infatuation mixed with lust - which a lot of people mistake for love. As long as someone remains convinced that those are the feelings which constitute 'true love', they will continue to seek it - and find that they lose it time and again.


However, I think that maybe the only way you can really understand what love is is to have experienced it. Most of us have mistaken infatuation and lust for love at some point. Some of us get lucky and experience genuine love and passion - or at least get a sense of what it should be and so won't be fooled again. Others who have not will continue to chase the goal they think they're supposed to be chasing.

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Hi Moimeme,


Thanks for your post.


If it wasn't for my last relationship, I don't think I would've ever experienced true, mature love. Even though it hurts that my ex is gone from my life, at least I am hopeful that maybe someday I can re-capture companionate love again.


My ex is still caught up in the notion of "lust and passion". He is on his qwest and searching for "Ms. Right", and I hope he finds her. But most people with this kind of thinking pattern go through life, and continue to search for greener pastures because as soon as the 'spark' fades, they're ready to move on and start all over again.


Even though I am still in the healing process of my break-up, I am very fortunate to have experienced what real love is and consists of.

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