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some helpful advice please!!!

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this is my first post here, so this is weird for me.. anyways i am one of those "fallin for their friend" peoples so anything i do will be tough for me...anyways i am pretty close with the girl that i have pretty much fallen for. well for one thing, she does know i like her and i am pretty shy, so it makes it tough for me to talk intimately with her. she has recently started hanging out with a guy from work she told me she liked, so its my guess she wants to pursue something in that direction. do ya'll think i should just sit tight and wait it out or should i talk to her tomorrow about the feelings i have???? any advice is good!!!

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If you talk to her now while she has become interested in someone at work, she will be really pissed. If you are going to ever approach her about your feelings, you need to do it when she is not seeing anybody or interested in someone. DO NOT TALK TO HER TOMORROW ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS!!!


Also, if you are really interested in this girl, you will have to back off the friendship a bit. If she thinks of you only as a friend, it may take her some doing to change the way she sees you.


HINT: If she knows you like her and she felt OK about telling you she is interested in someone at work, she is sending you a message. The message is that she sees you ONLY as a friend.


If you really want to go through mounds of pain and make yourself feel like poop, stick around this girl you love and let her give you all the blow by blow details of her involvement with this guy as it progresses. Believe me, she will keep you posted with every detail.


If you are sane, you will do as I say and back off considerably. Be cool and give her space to have her fling. Move in at the right time. You have to be smart enough to know when the right time is or you aren't amart enough to be in her life.

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Yeah...I'm gonna agree with Tony, except that I would suggest that you tell her your feelings if things don't work out with the other guy. Preface it with the fact that you don't want it to jepardize the friendship, even though it might.


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