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corrupt court system in america usa, continued child abuse


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SO, Im NOT sure If you read my other post here but it was long and probably too many words to read.


but i need advice on an american corrupt court house in the worst district in the entire usa, worse than detroit.My county has drug addicts, dealers, high crime, run down and poor.its the toughest and most hellish country in the usa, it defines the slums.many dont even speak english


but ok so im a woman in my late 20s and my parents have been abusing me terribly since i was a little kid. beating, starved me when i was younger but not now.they were unfit parents... put me through 5 lifetimes of hell in less than 20 yrs.


so i got into a life threatening accident that left me with medical problems and mobility/walking trouble. anyhow my father who is eldery decided to go to court against me to get a restraining order against me even tho i couldnt walk or move my arms much at the time.but he told them to force me to live with him and my mother.

then a week later he went to court to get adult guardiansip over me(conservatorship over someone over 18)


becaause he got a psychiatrist who never met me to write bad stuff abot me that he told him to write that wasnt true(thats a crime and malpractice)


and he talked to the judge and court psychologist and told them lies about me and not to listen to me.I couldnt get to court because i was temporarily physically handicapped due to an injury but he didnt tell the court that.


SO my father who does not talk to me and who has told me he will kill me many times since i was a small child, went to court and told the judge to write that im mentally incapacitated and that he should have control over me till either he dies or I do.


He told the courts that im autistic,mentally ill and a bunch of other lies to make it seem as if i dont know how to decide stuff for myself. I am not autistic, mentally disabled at all or mentally ill. he is trying to control me and prevent me from bettering myself or escaping the abuse.


the court is definately corrupt because everyone(the judge, my father, court evaluator) lied about me and got away with it.they dont care, they tossed away my life like im nothing and dont deserve to live.


so now im stuck legally forced to live where my father wants me to.which is at my parents house but im 27! he dosnt want me to havr a job or allow me to go back to college or socialise and have friends.he scared away any friends i have.

he laughs and says no one will believe you because your retarded and they think your crasy

he is controling and i cant be safe because he got the court system to trap me and force me to be abused by him.


im wondering this, if the court system is corrupt and dint have the rights to do this in the first place, how will they even care if i try to appeal this.


what can i do to get away from this? im scared and would like a future where i can move 5 states away, get a career and not see my father


i spoke to the police and they said they cant help me cause they dont control courts, i talked to 3 domestic violence programs including safe horison in my state and they said they cant helpe me.


there is no program to help and i need to end this stupid nonsense court order


how do i get away from a corrupt court system and psychopathic judge that dosnt care if im ok or not


??? this is forced child abuse that goes to adulthood


and my father threatens, yells at me and has a temper throws tantrums and acts senile alot too and cant remembr stuff alot of times. he gets violent and even hit and beat me as an adult and he told the local police not to listen to me when i tried to report him to the police a few times aand had visible bruises. so no one listened to me

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I'm sorry for the distress you're in. I think you can probably already guess that anonymous strangers on a message board aren't really in a position to give you much in the way of practical help here....but having access to the Internet gives you access to a lot of very useful resources out there. This link contains the numbers of various helplines that might be of valuable assistance to you.




If it's important to you that any call you make is unrecorded and untraceable, check this out with the helpline before you disclose anything to them. You don't have to give any personal details, though if you decide in the course of the call that you would like to do so you will always have that option...and it certainly places helplines in a better position to give you practical advice and assistance, as well as providing you with a sympathetic ear and the human voice you probably need right now.

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Can't someone in USA help her? :mad: This is indeed a serious matter. I wish I was there to do something. This is indeed lot more than Child Abuse. I thought media in USA was powerful.

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you need an attorney, not personal advice.


check with the womens' shelters around town and see if any of them offer legal help, or can suggest someone who does.


don't blame the judge, you weren't present at the hearing, that gives weight to the arguments from the other side.

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