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i love some one he is my doctour he make me thought that he like me by his doing


that day he call me and tell me that if i love him i told him the truth when he know he told me that we are like friends or brothers i love him and i want him tell me that i love u what i do?

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Many women fall for their doctors and it is likely that your doctor, whether he is married or single, has lots of women after him.


It is a bit unethical for a doctor to pursue a patient. The fact that this doctor sensed there was some feelings coming from you and decided to call you and set you straight, he has given you the message that he is not interested.


I am assuming you are female, although you said he told you the two of you were like friends or brothers. If you are male and he is as well, you better watch yourself.


Don't bother telling your doctor you love him, except as a friend. He clearly has many other things going on in his life and does not need a relationship...or he would have been more encouraging on the phone.


I think it is very nice to love your doctor, but you should turn your attentions to more available men who are free and receptive to returning that honor.


If you make things too uncomfortable for him, your doctor will release you as his patient and ask you to find another doctor.

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I certainly agree with Tony. It is very unethical for a doctor to be romantically involved with a patient. Stay the hell away!


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