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If this happened to you, what would you do?


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If you meet someone, that you liked - who knew what your thinking, what your feeling, and knows everything about you... would that scare you? or want to stick around?


would you think there is any meaning?

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Yes,that would scare me if it was someone stalking me.Im not really sure I understand your post,give us more details,so we can help you.





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Ok here it goes,


I meet someone up at school... she claims "That no one knows me like you do"


and it seems like i can read her like a book, i know what she does and why - without her telling me about it. I just know... For whatever reason. We are nothing offical, just casual dating - I want something serious she doesn't...


I know if she kissed someone else, and i know if she hooked up with somoene that night - no hunches I just get that gut feeling....


and I was wondering if you know, someone you like - who seems to read you loud and clear, like a book - seems to capture your inner thoughts, and feelings.. how would you feel?

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my b/f and i are like that. i know what he thinks or what he's gonna do before he does it. it can be annoying sometimes, but its also good cuz we know when something is wrong with each other or if we need time or anything. its kinda good for us. i guess it might depend on the person you are. would it hurt to try it?

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Well my problem is not that, I like that - i know when her world is turning grey and I am there..


But she is afraid about the break up, and i love this girl no doubts.. but I think she is the type that gets very attached to people... and I am afraid about the break up not for me, for her... It's a what if .. and i don't think we would break up for a long time..


But i am worried about her if she gets really attached b/c we are soo close..

and what if down the line i don't want this anymore... and i am worried what would happen to her after it...


I don't want her to go into a state of depression, drinking, ape **** on other guys, hurt herself...


That's what i am afraid of.. I know her so well and she knows it... but i am also thinking about the future outcome of her..



I never meet a girl like her, and she makes me happy... and i never been happier till i was with her..

so i am stuck trying to make a decision before we get serious..

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