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Torn between two lovers...my bestfriend or my boyfriend?

voice from heaven

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voice from heaven



I'm in love with my bestfriend for four years and he knows that... but during those days he's not yet ready and he is confused and afraid so I accepted it and I move on... Luckily I found my boyfriend, yup I'm in a relationship right now and I can say I love my boyfriend and vise versa... Everything is ok me and my bestfriend still ends up as best of friends and my relatiosnhip with my boyfriend is ok too though there are some problems ( every relationship undergo a problem right? to spice it up) well as I've said everything is ok not until my bestfriend talked to me... since he is my very bestfriend we're comfortable with each other, I told him every problems that me and my boyfriend is going thru....Then my best friend told me that he is now ready, he love me all these times... He knows that I love him more than my boyfriend and he knows that I waited for four years just to hear him say that he is ready to love me... Now I don't know what to do... I love my boyfriend and it's not fair with him if I choose my bestfriend over him. I thought my feelings for my bestfriend is over for i moved on and I'm happy with my boyfriend but now I know I still love him more than my boyfriend... Help me I'm so confused... Do i really have to choose or I'll keep my boyfriend... By the way my boyfriend is far from me, we're on an LDR and my bestfriend is here... I am really confused please help... thanks...

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Ah, I think selfishness gets in the way sometimes. You either have one or the other- OR have both but respect them both- meaning stop thinking about the best friend and stay with the boyfriend. But honestly, I do not think you deserve your boyfriend. Leave him, do him a favor.

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I thought my feelings for my bestfriend is over for i moved on and I'm happy with my boyfriend but now I know I still love him more than my boyfriend


Are you willing to say this to your boyfriend? If you can not admit it to him, then it is probably best that you tell him you are unable to continue the relationship. It isn't fair to him that he is long distance and your best friend is close at hand... and you feel as if you love the best friend more than him. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.


Good Luck!

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I have always been thinking that some people were given an amazing ability of playing games and keep justifying them. This is one clear example.

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