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saying goodbye

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today i finally said goodbye to the person i cared most about. i honeslty loved him and still do, but i said goodbye after 4.5 yrs together. I know in my heart that i will always love him but we had to part now. i decied that it's time to start taking care of myself instead of sitting here crying over what we had and what he has with this new girl. Since the break up i have changed my identity, schools, majors, and my address.


I guess the reason I'm writting this is to share the knowledge that i have gained over the last month. i have learned that people are not always who they seem to be and that you can not make someone feel something that they don't. I know in my heart that there is some wonderful guy out there that will love me and treat me the way I treat him. All i have to do is get through the pain that i'm feeling and enjoy life.


I also wanted to say thank you to Tony. You told me what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear like evryone else told me. As for anyone else who is going through a rough time in their life, just be patient life will not always be so hurtful and hard.


thanks again, Mon

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Pretty good, mon. It's tough, but it's good to hear from ya. Thanks for sharing your story. Just hearing other people's stories is extremely redemptive. Best of luck, and I'm sure everything will work out for the best. 4.5 years is a long time, but so is the next 4.5 years. Time to make those years what they're meant to be. Have a good weekend!


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You have made the right decision. As painful as it is, you will one day realize just how right it was. Knowing when to leave could be the smartest thing that we can ever learn.


You can show someone no greater love than to exit there lives and allow them to continue to evolve and grow in whatever direction they decide. At the same time, you show youself even greater love and compassion by giving yourself time to heal and opening the door to new opportunities for love and growth.


I knew my first wife one year before we got married and we were married 3 years and 4 months. So we were together dating and as a married couple about as long as you and your ex. The divorce was painful as hell and it took a long time to recover. But looking back, I am certain beyond doubt that staying in that relationship would have continued to cripple my life and my soul in so many ways.


So in all this we see that leaving someone we love is as important...or maybe more important...than finding someone to love. Important because when things aren't right, we have to set them that way. In doing so, we become stronger, wiser, more compassionate, more observant, and more appreciative of those who treat us well. We become better human beings with each step we walk away.

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Can you help me, too? Please read below at my story. (5.5 years and now a break up...) I was in the same sort of boat. Things were great! Then in these past 6 months...I've been noticing the real him, and it sucked at the end. I was so much in love with him and thought of marriage. Anyway, I went out tonight and had fun, but it's only been a week and a half. How did you do it? I would really like some insight. Thanks!!



today i finally said goodbye to the person i cared most about. i honeslty loved him and still do, but i said goodbye after 4.5 yrs together. I know in my heart that i will always love him but we had to part now. i decied that it's time to start taking care of myself instead of sitting here crying over what we had and what he has with this new girl. Since the break up i have changed my identity, schools, majors, and my address.


I guess the reason I'm writting this is to share the knowledge that i have gained over the last month. i have learned that people are not always who they seem to be and that you can not make someone feel something that they don't. I know in my heart that there is some wonderful guy out there that will love me and treat me the way I treat him. All i have to do is get through the pain that i'm feeling and enjoy life. I also wanted to say thank you to Tony. You told me what I needed to hear instead of what I wanted to hear like evryone else told me. As for anyone else who is going through a rough time in their life, just be patient life will not always be so hurtful and hard. thanks again, Mon

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