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I finally figured out WHY I'm so smitten.


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It's respect. He respects me. As a person, as a friend, as a human being and not on a relationship level.


He respects me OUT of the bedroom first. I've never had that with any guy.


All of my other guy friends, literally, every single one of them, I have had a thing with at one point. They have liked me, they have asked me out on dates, when in the past, I just wanted to be their friend. If they would have taken the time to get to know me, maybe something would have developed out of that, but none of them ever do. They start ignoring me after awhile.


It doesn't make a girl all tingly inside when all you view her as is a sex object.


I'm a cute, fit girl, not gonna lie. In reality, I'm really nothing that special, but 1) I'm not overweight and 2) I take good care of my appearance and dress cute, so guys probably see me as a walking piece of booty consistently. All I hear out of guys on dating sites is, "wow you're so pretty" etc. I even just got a message from one guy putting down fat girls and saying my body is so amazing. It's like, really? Well, it's one thing to not like fat girls, that's your choice, but to put them down to my face and say I'm so much better than them? It's like dude...what if I got fat? Or what if I got pregnant and I lost my cute figure? Would you dump me then?


When a guy can actually be my friend and spend time with me, alone, or with other people, act like a gentlemen, but not view me as just someone to bang or a potential partner, it's incredibly sexy and THAT'S why I've fallen so hard for my friend.


I really don't want to lose him. I love our conversations. I love HIM as a person and I respect him as a person because he respects me. I can tell that he cares about the friendship we do have. If I don't log on for a few weeks, he'll text me. That shows he cares. And he's caring about ME, not caring about whether I'm going to bone him or not. Now..he's a guy, so he might care a little bit, but it's not to the extreme like it is with other guys.


Anyway...I'll stop rambling now.


Just thought I'd share why I'm so smitten over my best male friend I've ever had.


You're supposed to marry your best friend and I can definitely say he's my best friend right now. :o

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