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Flirty Friends

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Sorry this is so long but it is relevent i promise


Ok here’s the problem, I’m female and I recently became good friends with this girl. We do everything together and I’m crazy about her the only thing is i don't know how she feels. She flirts with me, she always wants to be around me, and she tells me her problems. She tells me I’m perfect and Trustworthy and she writes me letters and poems telling me how much I mean to her she also treats me differently to all our other friends and jokes about how much she "wants me". I'm too scared to tell her how I feel in case that jeopardises our friendship and everyone finds out that I am Bisexual. I care so much about her and it really hurts when I’m not with her.

So I went away for a couple of days on the weekend and she txt me at least 10 times a day telling me how much she misses and how she cant wait for me to come back and how she is depressed 'cause I’m not there. When I came back myself and the girl in question went out for the night with our other friends a few weeks ago. She spent the whole night holding my hand kissing my head and cheek, putting her hand on my knee and signing the Darkness’s "i believe in a thing called love" to me. Then she got very very drunk and started kissing a bloke she only just met. Completely broke my heart.

But when we out for a long walk alone she told me she made a mistake kissing he guy and she said she's embarrassed about it. I tell her all the time that i think she's amazing and brilliant and beautiful and buy her little gifts that no-one else would think to buy her. But she just doesn’t take the hints She told me that she had a dream about me she dreamt that we were having a bath together naked!!!.

last week She told me I’d make a perfect husband (even though I’m female?? her sense of humour) cause she likes it when I gently blow on her neck and when I stroke her arm when she's working and now she has this thing in her head that when we grow up were going to live together and get married in Vegas (which I don’t mind) she also joked that she wanted me to be her sex toy. But she's kissed 2 more guys in front of me since the last time. I got angry with her at one point cause she was ignoring us when we told her we were leaving I swore at her and nearly got run over by a police car she told me id come before any guy the kissed me on the cheek and proceeded to tell me how many cars he had. Last week she made a revelation that all guys do is treat her like crap and she hates them all. We all had a bet to see if she could go the night without kissing a guy she said she would because she hates them. Her and our friends went out last night ( I didn’t go cause I couldn't bare to watch her kiss another bloke in front of me again) and guess what I’ve just had a txt telling me she went missing and was found kissing an ugly bloke in the toilets.

This sucks completely these signals are so confusing, frustrating and painful. The guys she kisses don't know how lucky they are to be kissing her they just want a quick grope in a sleazy pub with a gorgeous girl she just has to smile at them and she's got them drooling over her. She’s way too good for any of them she's too good for me but at least i would know how lucky I was.


I need as much advice as possible this is all driving me insane. Its hurts all the time. Do you think she like me, Should i tell her how i feel? :(

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well you should tell her how you feel bc if you don't that she will go out kissing more guys. :rolleyes: trust me if it don't work that well...she isn't worth it! Somebody that txt's you 10 times a day telling she misses you, and she is depressed bc u are not there, she likes you! Go for it! Tell her you love her! Ask her out on a date! Go somewhere romantic! Like a hotel at the beach! Go to Hawii or something! It will be so romantic and you will thank me! Don't be confused! She likes you I can tell!

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i also thinks she likes you. Tell her how you feel before its too late. Theres a pretty good chance she is bisexual and maybe she is just afraid to admit it. She probably is just scared and doesn't want everyone talking about her sexuality. i know if it was me i'd probably be embaressed to admit it, but some people are like that. If you don't want to talk to her about it in person. Try sending her a note telling her how u really feel. Maybe shes just waiting for you to bring it up. She might be just as confuzed as you are.

i hope everything turns out okay. Good luck!

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