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So I think I got feelings for an old friend from High School

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I recently went home to visit some of my friends and family. I haven't seen most of these people for about 6 years. I spent a week back home and definitely had a great time. While I was up there, I spent a lot of time with this girl, we'll call her Laura.


I've known Laura since 7th grade. We've always been good friends. In 10th grade we hooked up one time, but it really didn't feel right. It felt like we were just friends. She agreed. During my senior year and first year of college, we were hanging out like crazy because of some mutual friends. We spent just about every weekend together, and those weekends usually consisted of partying, drinking, and clubbing. All of us use to have a blast. Occasionally, she use to come up to me and kiss me, telling me she cared for me. I always ignored it (like the ass that I was). I wasn't interested in relationships then. We hooked up several times during those years... but like I said, I didn't want anything serious. Apparently she did. The night that I made a cross-country move for school, she professed her love for me. Said she had been in love with me for years. That was in 2005. I ignored it because at the time, my heart belonged to someone else.


I moved and we stayed in touch via email and the occasional phone calls. In 2007, she decided she wanted to visit me for vacation, which I thought was weird because she had a boyfriend and had been dating him for 2 years. She ended up bringing a friend with her. They spent a week at my house and we went to the beach. I hooked up with her friend. It didn't seem to bother Laura because she had a boyfriend.


We stayed in touch. I started seriously dating a girl in 2008 and because of that, we kind of lost touch... only talking through Facebook. She kept telling me she wanted me to come visit her back home. In 2010, My girlfriend left me and because of that, Laura and I began talking again. It turns out that she left her boyfriend too (yes, the same boyfriend from 2005). She caught him cheating and she said she never saw that relationship going anywhere. We've been talking on the phone a lot over the past few months.


I make the trip to see her, friends, and family. All of my friends were like, "Dude, are you guys going to finally get together?" Apparently, everyone had been talking about it. Laura's best friend told me that Laura said, "I don't expect anything to happen between us. We're just too good of friends." So I asked her friend if she thought Laura would care if I flirted with other women while we were out. She said she wouldn't care. So that's what I did... we all went out and I focused my attention elsewhere. Later that night, we all went out to another bar and I got pretty drunk... okay REALLY drunk. Apparently I told Laura that I care for her more than a friend and she replied with a "you're just a friend to me. I don't want to ruin things." Ouch. It hurt. I apologized for my behavior the next day and said I was really drunk and that I didn't want things to change either.


So it's been a few days since my trip and I can't stop thinking about Laura. I don't know what to do...

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Well, you planted the seeds, now it's time to see if they will grow.


As a female, there were some instances in my life where I didn't know I liked a guy, until someone else suggested it. Maybe based on our interactions, maybe we were flirty- but I just didn't see it at the time. But once someone plants that idea in your head, then you start to think about it.


If you want this to go somewhere, I suggest backing off for a while. Let her mull this over, because chances are, she will think about it.


I say, let her be the next to make contact with you, and make the appropriate actions based on her behavior towards you. Is she being flirty? Is she reaching out more? Is she distanceing herself? Is she giving me more than a friend vibe?


So, see where it goes the next time you talk to her, you have already put it out there, now it's time to sit back and wait to see how she acts.

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