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My new girlfriend still has a stong bond with her ex via a son. She doesn't know what she wants. She is having a hard time with it all. He doesn't want her but her feelings are still strong. What should I do?

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Until your new girl heals from her old relationship and goes through all the grief stages, including the final one which is coming to terms with reality, you don't stand a chance of having a quality relationship with her.


Who needs a girlfriend whose heart is elsewhere? Give her a raincheck, tell her to call you when she is over this dude, and start seeing other people.


Continuing to see this lady could lead to major heartbreak for you and it certainly isn't warming to be with her while she is confused and thinking about her ex. Unconsciously, she may be using you to make her ex jealous or just to pass the time while, in her mind, her ex makes the choice to get back with her.


You are playing with dynamite here. But you are probably a lot more of a man with a lot more courage that I have. Sometimes you have to let your brain, rather than your heart, give you directions. My brain tells me this thing is going to go south.

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