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Should I give him a second chance

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When my ex and I first met, there was an immediate string connection between us. He cherished me and I him. We shared a lot of common interests and could hardly wait to see each other. However, he slowly became more controlling and insecure and wanting to spend every minute of my spare time with him. He gave me a hard time about doing anything without him, laying on the guilt trip. Anyway, we had some heartfelt talks and a few big spars over me wanting and needing my space. He was getting better at giving it to me when I found out he had been lying about his employment. Turns out he wasn't working the entire time (1yr) we were together. When he wasn't stating with me, he said be was living on the Naval base. He said ge kept all his gear and uniforms at the base too. He even kept the gaircut. Anyway, he was actually staying between my place and his parents. When I confronted him with the lie he did admit to it but not at first. He said he lied because he thought I would not be interested in him if I knew he was unemployed, which would not have been the case but would have moved a lot slower with the relationship. Anyway, the big lie resulted in lots if everyday lies. I was so upset over the lying I ended the relationship. The clinginess and controlling a d lies were too much to take. Over the last few months he was devastated over the breakup, and became depressed and begged over and over. I was do upset and heartbroken I could barely look at his emails and texts. I had lost my best friend and lover but knew it was no longer a good relationship for me . Note i also have small children. Anyways he started therapy to "become a better

person" who can tell the truth and be comfortae with who he is and learn to be less controlling. He swears he will do whatever it takes to be better and that he loves me. I do still love him too. Do you think a guy like this can change or am I setting us both up for more heartache if I start talking to him again.

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