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Just Friends!!

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So there is a guy (or should I say boy) at work that I barely see, but we talk off and on every now and then. He's a 'texter', and when I'm bored and want to chat I will talk to him. But I only want to be friends. He wants more. I am 21, he is 18 going on 14. He doesn't understand how to 'court' a girl or even really talk to them!!


He is very sweet and seems like a fun person to hang out with, although I have never hung out with him one on one yet because I fear he will think it is more than it is - JUST FRIENDS hanging out. He says 'I'm the one', and 'I just feel it', and stuff, but in reality he doesn't even KNOW me that well!! Other co-workers say he is just SMITTEN with me and turns red everytime my name is brought up ... I told him over and over and OVER again we are only friends, and I will not date anyone in the same industry as me. He says that is fine, he just wants to be friends, but then will add 'and then we can be together. ... ' ughh!!


I would like to hang out with him as friends (i don't have many around here) and he honestly does seem pretty fun, just young and silly. But I don't want to lead him on AT ALL, and I think if I go out with him as friends once, he will still take it the wrong way.


He says he still wants to hang out as friends ... as 'best friends'. But I don't want to hurt him ...? I don't want to be rude and completely ignore him as I may have to work with him in the future, but I don't want to hang out with him and him to think it's more when it's NOT. If he could see us as just friends, I would definitely hang out with him but ughh I don't know ....


What would you do? Ever been in this situation?

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I've been there myself with a co-worker. I handled it by telling him that my boyfriend & I were going to a baseball game together & asked if he'd like to go as well. It's the "nice" way of letting him know that you're serious about not being interested in him romantically while still showing that you're willing to be friends still. Hope that helps :D

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