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In love...maybe.


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I have a real problem. I think that I am in love with a guy even though we are just acquaintences. Maybe I'm not, but all I think about is him. I even have dreams of us as lovers in a past life! What should I do? He knows I like him, and he wants to get to know me better, but we are both shy. Help!

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Wait until he proceeds...In my experience, not matter how shy a guy is, if he is REALLY interested in you, he would do something...

I have a real problem. I think that I am in love with a guy even though we are just acquaintences. Maybe I'm not, but all I think about is him. I even have dreams of us as lovers in a past life! What should I do? He knows I like him, and he wants to get to know me better, but we are both shy. Help!
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I think you should tell him how you feel about him. I know the two of you are shy, but sometimes being direct is the best way. I also think you may consider that this may only be infatuation instead of love. If you honestly know how he feels and trust your instinct that he does feel that way, I see no harm in telling him how you feel, but be careful I've seen many friendships end once that point has been crossed. Make sure this is really what you want to do.

I have a real problem. I think that I am in love with a guy even though we are just acquaintences. Maybe I'm not, but all I think about is him. I even have dreams of us as lovers in a past life! What should I do? He knows I like him, and he wants to get to know me better, but we are both shy. Help!
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Hey this is what i tink u should do.See Ive been having the same very exact problem about this totally fine guy and i thought i loved him,and it turns out that i do love him and he was just waiting to see if i felt the same way about him.so what im saying is take ur chances.cause hey i mean if u never ask ull never know.so theres my advice and it worked for me me and nick are going out know.

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