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I'm tired of gay marriage debate -- what'cha think of polygamy?

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Time to beat the news curve and be the first to become acquainted with America's newest rights-deprived minority, the polygamists


Read the article and skim down to the bottom to read the personal ads.


How would you like to be in a polygamus marriage?

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I saw a couple of documentaries of polygamous families. As a rule, the women liked to have the man about for entertainment purposes, but generally considered him a bit of a bother and were glad that there were other women to take him off their hands. So I guess if that's a guy's ideal way to live...

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Originally posted by moimeme

As a rule, the women liked to have the man about for entertainment purposes, but generally considered him a bit of a bother


well, that goes for monogamous marriages too! ;):p LOL



How would you like to share one spouse? Could you be husband number 2 or 3? How would you feel if you wanted to make love one night and your wife had decided to spend that night with a different husband? You are still obligated to remain faithful to her.


What about you women? How emotionally draining would it be to have your husband spending a Saturday with his other wife and the kids he has with her? Or the same situation as above -- you are wanting sex and he is with another wife that night? Could you share?

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Doesn't sound like anything that the strategic and efficient use of daytimers and scheduling systems couldn't fix.



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I couldn't live in a situation where I thought of a spouse as a bother or an amusement so this sort of relationship wouldn't work for me at all.

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One man is often too much.


And I don't like being part of a harem either.


I guess I should embrace being single today!

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HAHA Meanon!!!


But just think of all the income the family could generate if everyone takes an outside job....and one offers to stay in to babysit for free.


I'll take Tues nights and responsibility for cleaning the windows. Works for me.



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Originally posted by moimeme

I couldn't live in a situation where I thought of a spouse as a bother or an amusement so this sort of relationship wouldn't work for me at all.


You are really throwing me with that avatar! :bunny::confused:

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calls to mind the joke about the old woman who shocked her younger relative by announcing that she's always wanted to have two men -- one to cook and one to clean.


Throw in a third to make sure my car's running fine and I *might* consider it!




seriously, though, I don't think I could do it: I think my jealous nature would rear its head if my husband decided he "needed" another, simultaneous wife. And good old-fashioned guilt would eat away at me at the thought of a second simultaneous husband!

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You are really throwing me with that avatar!


Oh, ok. I'll go back. But what shall I do? Jenny's motto says that consistency means one is unimaginative! :eek:



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But what about gay (bi) polygamists? Ladies: What about wanting to be intimate with your husband... but he was out with his other husband? :eek: Dudes: I know you wouldn't mind if your wife was out with her other wife. Or some of you would, perhaps. I should hope.



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End of my rope

I couldn't do either. I couldn't have multiple husbands or be part of multiple wives. I need to much attention from the man I love to share him. And I couldn't deal with more than one b/c I do enough cooking, cleaning, and loving as it is!

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Being one of the harem would work for me... I need space. I would love to have my space until it was my turn.... Not be the sole source of happiness and entertainment for my husband. I would have time to read, go out with my friends, work on my crafts... Yup, that would be ideal for me.

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Say I am married, but I decide to marry another man at the same time, who already has a wife. So I have two husbands, and he has two wives....what is that called? Also, my husband could marry another woman who is already married, and I could marry her husband as well, so I'd have three husbands, and they would only have 2 wives apeice...right? Would all three of my husbands be allowed to marry each other's wives?


Anyone want to tell me how many people are in my family now, because I've just confuse myself :confused:

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