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Do I go?

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Thank you all for your responses to the message that I posted last night(How do I let go?). The guy that I have been close to for the summer is leaving in two days for the West Coast. Before he really hurt my feelings, I had planned a party for him with co-workers. That party is tonight and I am not sure if I should go. There are other people helping, so it won't be a flop if I don't show. But will I regret it? Or will it show that I am really hurt? Help!

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He did not hurt your feelings, you made the decision to feel hurt by what he did. I don't think he had any intention of hurting your feelings at all. As a matter of fact, I think he went out of his way to try to spare your feelings and not appear that he was taking advantage of you.


Whether or not you go to the party should be determined by the status of your relationship with him now. Are you on speaking terms or have you ceased communications?


If you really feel like he intentionally hurt your feelings, that would put in in the class of a low class jerk and I wouldn't go. If you are hurt because you didn't get you way about things, then it's a toss up. If you really don't care about this dude and want nothing more to do with him, write him off and stay away from the party.


You would not have posted here if you really wanted to go. In life, you have to do what you want to do, not what you think others want you to do. You are showing way too many concerns about this event.


Also, in your lifetime, do what you want to do, don't do what you don't want to do and NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER regret your decisions. Just move on down the road!!! Decisions are never right or wrong, they are just things we decide to do and fully accept the consequences of...good or bad.

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