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helping dreamer

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You asked for my help but I'm not sure I can help you. The same thing happened to me. One day we were working on spending more time together and fixing all our doubts. He even told me he was going to popose before we went back to school. The next thing I know he is meeting this other girl behind my back and telling me that i'm the only one for him. It hurt like hell, I felt soooo used. He slept with me and spent the next day with her and lied about it to my face.


The only advise I can give you to be strong. Cut all ties COMPLETELY. His mom said the same thing about him, it's just a phase-he still loves you- he'll be back when she goes to school-he'll realize what he's lost and get back with you. It's been over a month and I've seen him 1 time and spoke to him maybe 5 times. It's to my benifit, you and I both deserve someone who loves us for who we are and have to offer. NOT what they can get from us. I hope this help you. All I can say that helped me through this is my friends and my wonderful mother Good luck and please be strong I promise you'll get through it!!!!!


Much patience, mon

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he called me today at work after two weeks of not speaking. he said sorry for all the things he has ever done. and he didn't ask to get back together, or if we could see each other. didn't talk much until he called me again at work after my lunch break. then i finally had the nerve to ask "so, why are you calling me?" he said that he needed to hear my voice and that he felt better after talking to me. then he started asking those damn questions...you know...the questions you ask each other when you still have feelings and when there is an uneasy feeling. naturally, i answered them...and unfortunately, i asked some too. he swares on the bible and God that he hasn't had sex with anyone since we broke up. however, he received a voicemail message today with moaning on it. and this girl pages with 69 as her code. so, i don't believe him. i asked him if he even believed in god - he said yes. when he asked me if i had been sexually active, i replied no - because i haven't. i don't even think about it. i asked him if it would have bothered him if i did say yes and he told me that it would have. (don't know why!) i want to move away just to be away from him. i don't trust him and it would take eons before i did again. i just don't know how to "grow balls" and be mean to him. what do you think?



Dreamer- You asked for my help but I'm not sure I can help you. The same thing happened to me. One day we were working on spending more time together and fixing all our doubts. He even told me he was going to popose before we went back to school. The next thing I know he is meeting this other girl behind my back and telling me that i'm the only one for him. It hurt like hell, I felt soooo used. He slept with me and spent the next day with her and lied about it to my face. The only advise I can give you to be strong. Cut all ties COMPLETELY. His mom said the same thing about him, it's just a phase-he still loves you- he'll be back when she goes to school-he'll realize what he's lost and get back with you. It's been over a month and I've seen him 1 time and spoke to him maybe 5 times. It's to my benifit, you and I both deserve someone who loves us for who we are and have to offer. NOT what they can get from us. I hope this help you. All I can say that helped me through this is my friends and my wonderful mother Good luck and please be strong I promise you'll get through it!!!!! Much patience, mon
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I'm sorry he started calling you again, I know how you feel. My ex called me and woke me up to tell me some more rumors that were still circulating. i was 100% pissed!! I told him that the whole reason for saying good bye was to get rid of the crap I was so mean to him. I told him that for the first time in my life I am finally happy with the person I am and where my life is going. He was not happy but happy for me.


I know it's really hard to hear about him being sexual with someone else even if he says it's not true. He is going to tell you what he wants to tell you just so he can keep you around. when he called me it brough back all the pain and suffering that I went through and that's how I grew the "balls" to be mean. He didn't feel the pain I felt and it made me even more mad. My suggestion is to think of the pain and use it against him and remember that you deserve better. If he really wanted it to work then he would not have treated you this way. Good luck!!!!



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